Subject: ♫♪ Survey Results

Hi Friend,

I just wanted to relay the results of the survey we recently sent out,
and share some future plans with you, and ask for your input. . .

Here's what we've learned so far:

1. Everyone who responded was able to get the All-In-One Course
Book. (YEA!)

2. A few students, especially those overseas from the US, were
having a difficult time getting the EKM #28 Jumbo Songbook. I'm
re-designing the lessons so that this book is optional. For those of
you who have it, we'll still be using it, and I'll also supplement
materials for those who don't.

3. Everyone is generally highly satisfied with the lessons so far, but
we also received some excellent input for improvements:

- Some like the pace just the way it is and others are asking for a
faster pace. SO. . . I'm working hard to be able to offer a LEVEL 2
program soon. That will double the pace with 2 lessons per month.
I'll keep you posted about our progress, and as to when that may
be available.
I'm also researching other available resources that are out
there that can supplement your learning. I'll be sure to share
when I find something I think you may be interested in. . .

- There's a lot of interest in creating a social site for our Private
Member group, so that you can share, ask questions and connect
with others who are at the same level.
I'm working on that now, and if anyone has ideas on the best way
to do this, please let me know (right away, please!) So far, we're
considering Face Book, Google + or creating a blog with a forum.

Thank you for your input and the wonderful ideas. If you can think
of anything else, please share!

Take care,

Thomas R Bishop, Director
Keyboard Conservatory

Northwest Music