Subject: ♪♫ ATTN: Lemonade Lovers!

♪♫ ATTN Lemonade Lovers!

Hi Friend,

I hope this letter spreads a little cheer… I don’t know about you, but the news is getting a little hard to watch these days….

I’ve always followed the philosophy that when life deals you lemons… make lemonade!

With the threat of the world-wide Coronavirus pandemic, many of us are looking for ways to live a more meaningful life within the safety and comfort of our own homes.

My late father, a pastor, had a talent for delivering inspirational sermons. I particularly remember one where he professed that every cloud had a silver lining, with a beautiful, bright light shining behind it….

I got to thinking that maybe this period of self-quarantine could actually become a wonderful opportunity to learn a little more about music, and playing your keyboard!

Here’s a story about Rose:

Rose came into the studio on crutches, struggling to catch her breath, and with a big cast encasing her entire left leg. This was in the days when there was no internet, or ability to take lessons online.

She shared, “I’m not even supposed to be here, as the doctor has ordered me to two months at home… But I need something to do! I always wanted to learn to play my piano, and now I have the time to do it… Can you help me?”

I agreed to come to her home to give her lessons. Having her leg in a cast would be somewhat of a barrier, but she was perfectly capable of learning enough to get her started…

One day, a few months later, she came dancing into the studio, to show us her leg was healed, and she had been set free….

She was so happy she was learning to play music, and even surprisingly grateful she had broken her leg. She said she probably would have never taken the time to learn to play if she hadn’t. She said she now understood how she could continue to fit playing music into her life going forward, where before she just couldn’t have imagined having the time.

Well, even though she had to scale back her practicing time a bit after returning to work, Rose continued to take lessons, and even began playing for services at her church!

Now there was a person who learned to turn disadvantage into advantage! She looked for the light behind the silver lining, and also made some pretty tasty lemonade, I would say!

How about you? Would you like to take advantage of the need to stay at home for a while?

If you’d like to make a little lemonade, too, and learn some more about music, I’d love to help you!

We’re opening enrollment to allow 6 new students to enroll in our Private Member Lessons at the discounted rate of just $9 per month.

I’d love to share the details and tell you more about it!

If you’re interested to learn more, please just send a simple reply to this message, and I’ll send you more information… (it can even be a blank email if you’re busy)… but please act right away – we usually fill up fast…

Take care my friend,
Please stay safe and healthy!