Subject: VIDEO • Heard of Shamanic Counselling and The Path of Truth?

A cocktail of negative emotions that were fuelling my incessant negative thoughts and having a debilitating physical impact on my life.

Are you experiencing worry, stress, and anxiety that's adversely impacting your ability to live your life fully and do your work with joy consistently and effectively? Believe me when I say you're not alone.

'I was experiencing a cocktail of negative emotions that were fuelling incessant non-useful thoughts and having a debilitating physical impact on my body in the form of knotted tension and anxiety.'

Read on for my client's experience. It really is a complete turnaround.

I recently undertook a shamanic journey remotely (they were in London) on behalf of a client struggling to 'unleash their creative potential' despite a professional lifetime 'in the business'.

This question was the bigger picture symptom of a deep-seated 'not enough' imposter syndrome belief and non-useful judgment.

The power of shamanic journeying on behalf of someone suffering in some way to catalyse liberation from its internal cause and associated discomfort and wrangling never ceases to amaze me.

This 'freedom from' work started with an initial conversation to arrive at the most pressing question for which an answer is sought.

All the client was asked to do was take some quiet undisturbed time while I journeyed in another part of the world. That's it.

This is what the client had to say about the experience:

‘I was carrying this knot of anxiety in my stomach. I’d endured several weeks of rising tension and anxiety culminating in existential fear of not being able to get any of my creativity out, of being blocked.

Meditation wasn’t helping. In fact, my diaphragm felt like it was being pulled up tightly into my chest so much I could hardly breathe.

Then our timely conversation gave me hope, perspective, and confidence to continue. I was really, really inspired. That weekend, leading up to my Monday deadline I prepared my creative pitch. Everything became cohesive and it just came out of me and slipped into place really naturally. I’d found my flow. I became passionately obsessed with the project like I used to be at college.

When I presented my work the client absolutely loved it and was astounded at the quality of ideas I’d explored in such a short amount of time. Perhaps most important to me was that I loved the project in the doing and the outcome. I haven’t had that depth of passion and been that confident in and convinced by my creative thoughts, skills, and abilities for a very long, long time.

It reminded me of the thrill and enjoyment of working long, hard, and late to complete a final design project at university. My resounding thoughts that weekend and after were that this is exactly what I should be doing and how I should be doing it and who I should be doing it with. Everything came together. It was a delight.

Our conversation and your journey with my question and the story you presented to me in the Shamanic Question Journey Report helped me establish a new way of being and creating.

I’ve since been invited to be involved with a significant number of very high-profile creative projects. A slew of incredibly exciting opportunities. All of a sudden these kinds of openings are being presented to me since we last spoke.

The way in which I’ve been able to handle this influx and respond has definitely been influenced by our conversation and your journey report. I just thought to hell with it. I’m not feeling shy about going all in now.

I’ve now got people eager to work with and for me. World-class companies are reaching out to me.

I’m enjoying a lot more peace of mind now and am incredibly excited about the growth potential and future possibilities.

I feel I can finally feel and be more myself, secure, clear, and confident in who and where I am in my career. What will be will be.

I really enjoyed the metaphors in the journey. I really liked that.

There was a problem there, my problem, and the journey described and defined that problem in a different way so I could then be more objective about it.

It’s kind of like when I’ve been meditating and recognising that the whole goal is not being owned by your thoughts.

Seeing your thoughts for what they are and being able to let them go rather than them defining you.

It felt like you’d taken that problem and put it ‘over there’ as a story.

‘Ok, that’s that then.’ I thought. I can be much more objective about it and less consumed by it, and less defined by it. The story gave the problem some shape and colour and it was like there it is, that’s what it is. There’s nothing to see here. It was really good, I was really impressed. It was just really great.

I was intrigued and excited when reading it.

I was able to make an intellectual connection from a completely different point of view. Right, this is what it looks like. What I’d been experiencing was a cocktail of negative emotions that were fuelling my incessant negative thoughts that were having a debilitating physical impact on my body in the form of tension and anxiety. It just felt like, phew, it’s a different thing now, it’s down on paper, in a different medium. It has no power over me.

I feel like it’s definitely unlocked something.

My manner, my confidence, my way of talking, my way of showing up, and my way of being has definitely shifted for the better. I’m no longer holding back. I’m more secure in my relationship, losing my temper in frustration and anger much less, and closer and more connected to my children.

I’m able to just be and enjoy the moment and the process wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, and whoever I’m with. I’m much more confident in how I’m interacting with people. The relational dynamics with myself, my family, and my colleagues have changed significantly and for the better.

I can see things more objectively, from an external point of view. Now any anxiety that I feel about my creativity and ability is sitting next to me and not in me. I can deal with it better and not allow it to inhibit and restrict me.

This journeying process and conversations have loosened something deep inside me. It’s given permission for a more authentic version of myself to step forward and catalyse an enhanced way of being in relation to my creativity and potential that is moving me in a direction I absolutely want to go.

When I’m happy at and with my work, my home life is always much better. During dire existential moments like I’ve shared with you here where a crisis of confidence is merely just the tip of the iceberg my personal intimate relationships always suffer and spiral rapidly towards disaster. Not anymore.

This really has been so incredibly helpful, thank you.’

Do you have a pressing question relating to your life, relationships, work, projects, or business that you’re struggling to answer?

Learn more about Shamanic Journeying On Your Behalf

To find out more about this liberating process and how it can help you obtain answers to your most pressing questions click above.

What is Shamanic Journeying really?

In short, it's an ancient sacred practice of connecting with the spiritual realm for personal and community healing. It's an incredibly powerful tool for self-discovery and accessing teachings, wisdom, and insight from the non-ordinary reality of the spirit world.

Watch FREE The Path of Truth Video Lesson

Interested to learn more about the process and discover how you can develop the skill yourself? Click above and then scroll down to watch a comprehensive one-hour video lesson complete with exercises designed to introduce you to how this powerful practice actually works.

Love, Richard.

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Do you have a pressing question relating to your life, relationships, work, projects, or business that you’re struggling to answer?

Learn more about Shamanic Journeying On Your Behalf

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Artist • Architect • Author • Alchemist