Subject: Shamanic Tales • Audience With The Gods

All the while I was clutching the maquette to keep it safe. After fruitless searching and seeking It was clear I was to create the cross...

Hi, Friend

I hope this note and progress update finds you well.

During the last 12 months, you've shown interest in my shamanic offerings and coaching. To jog your memory we may have worked together in one or more of the following ways:

  • Alchemy coaching and shamanic healing packages

  • Shamanic journeying counselling method trainings (in-person)

  • Shamanic divination journey work on your behalf (remote)

  • Shamanic healing sessions (remote or in-person)

  • Shamanic art and architecture (contributor or client)

So, I've added you to my newsletter list!

My emails will likely be few and far between.

But, of course, if you don't want to hear from me again in this way please do use the unsubscribe link at the foot of this email.

I'll be sharing what I'm learning on my three-year professional shamanic practitioner training. And any other related news.

Because it's the inaugural newsletter I've gone big!

  • Pilgrimage Power

  • Reaching Halfway Point

  • The Temple of The God(s)

  • No-Charge Homework Sessions

  • Donation-Based Shamanic Healing

  • Shamanic Counselling Methods

  • Shamanism Goes Mainstream

  • Money Mapping Workshops

  • Art, Greeting Cards, Books

  • 'PENUMBRA' is exhibited

  • Trauma Awareness

  • Sistrum Sickle

  • And More

Pilgrimage Power

As part of the three-year training, The Clan That Walks With Thunder (my training cohort) members must undertake a sacred pilgrimage.

During one of our intensive training components, we all shamanically journeyed to the Sun and returned to the British Isles on a sunbeam to the place that holds the greatest blessing for each of us and the Work.

We were also tasked with divining a symbol to seek out at our pilgrimage destination. I received the clear message that I was to visit Anglesey and find a large cross on a beach.

I confess I didn't even know where Anglesey was and had to ask my teacher to point it out on the map for me! After my shamanic sunbeam journey, I sketched and described what I'd seen in my notebook.

The pilgrimage wasn't without its detours, and uncomfortable periods of simply not knowing what I was to do or where I was to go.

Leading up to the pilgrimage I journeyed to discover what else I needed to know. I saw images of a fallen cross that was different from the upright cross I'd seen in my first journey. I was called to create a maquette, that I sensed was to be some form of offering.

I arrived at the beach that would lead me to the large cross on a headland peninsula only accessible during low tide.

Instead of heading straight for the Upright Cross, I was called to walk in the opposite direction. To search for the fallen cross. I had time.

All the while I was clutching the maquette to keep it safe. After fruitless searching and seeking It was clear I was to create the cross. This would mark the start of the ceremonial work I was to undertake.


A couple of people with a dog walk past.

I say hello reminding myself that although I am in ceremony this is or ought to be seen as ordinary Work despite the context!

The little dog soon came back and tried to eat the offerings! :-) I smile thinking he is Spirit after all. He’s called away.

I’m dressed in black from head to toe, wearing a cap, with my hood up, with sunglasses on, focussed on the Work. As the people walk on I wonder what I look like to them and what they must be thinking.

And back to the Work. I close the ceremony by reciting my poem:


A place to build, to create.

Laugh and cry. Hide and seek.

To hold, to support. To be strong, yet meek.

A space to rest, to recuperate.

Arrive fast, asleep. Depart slow, awake.

To feel, to grow. To be reborn, again.

A place to leave, to expatriate.

Lie in the dark. Die in the light.

To lose, to find. To be love, regain.

A space to relieve, to delight.

You are ALL ways hOMe to me.

And you are worth the fight.

Ricardo Rochilez

I steadily approach the Upright Cross of St Dwynwen and am taken by the resemblance to the sketch I’d drawn of the Cross I’d seen during my sunbeam blessing journey. I pause, and prepare myself.

I lay the Fallen Cross maquette in the long grass as I approached St Dwynwen’s cross to keep it safe from blowing away. Beyond keeping hold of it, and protecting it from being crushed, It seems, on reflection, that I was no longer thinking about what I might need it for or do with it.

I acknowledge that I’ve been carrying it with me in my hand and caring for it with my actions, and recognising it in my heart as my ally Jesus, always and all ways lest I forget myself or my connection to Spirit.

I felt a little self-conscious due to other people coming and going.

Even more so as someone came close as I recited my poem yOUR hOMe once again to close the ceremony.

On my way back to the main beach I realise I’ve forgotten the Fallen Cross maquette I placed safely in the grass before making my offering to Spirit and the Upright Cross. I could easily go back and get it. 

I turned but then Spirit spoke. Leave it. Its Work is done. The Fallen Cross is to be let go, left behind, forgotten. Sacrificed to the altar of the Upright Cross, and all that stands for, and of course to Spirit. 

It too was an offering and not intended to be a keepsake.

Enjoy how you forgot it so quickly.

This is how it should be. This is your sacrifice. Your surrender.

And the Work is done. The Pilgrimage is over.

I walk on. Complete. Amen.

Later, leading up to the creation of the altar that I would need to continue in the Work at my next component I'm called to craft a reminder of Fallen Cross and Upright Cross. I note how close I've made them but how far apart they can appear as we journey through life.

It's becoming a symbolic contemplation piece that I think of and focus on when I need to assess different aspects of my life and experience.

Right now, am I Fallen Cross or Upright Cross?

Which do I want to embody and personify?



The Halfway Point

Having now passed the halfway point I've learned and practiced:

  • Journey work, recruiting allies, and power animal retrieval

  • The shamanic journeying counselling method (teaching)

  • Soul retrieval and energetic blockage removal (healings)

  • Divination, mandala, and psychomp work (the guiding of souls)

  • The power of pilgrimage and stepping into the unknown

  • Mediumship and working with the Gods (more on this later!)

All in all the Work is progressing well. As is the homework which involves me practicing in the real world. With those in need of spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical support and healing.

Or with those curious souls who might like the idea of 'playing' client.

And with the adventurous ones excited by the prospect of taking a co-creative role. In the more involved experiences that I'm called to facilitate as part of my ongoing homework. Like this...

The Temple of The God(s)

Part of my homework is to create a temporary Temple for The God(s) and a worthy altar. So that Pilgrims (you, perhaps?) may enjoy an in-person audience with a God for whom I will be serving as a medium.

I experienced this at my last training component, both as medium for a God and as a Pilgrim. In the least it is a rare once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet with and seek counsel from a higher power.

Hand on heart I tell you it is a very profound experience.

Over the next few weeks I'll be speaking to potential Pilgrims and Gatekeepers to the Temple. In the meantime, if you feel called to find out more reply to this email and I'll send you more details.

There will be no charge for taking part in Temple of The God(s).

Interested in taking part? Let me know!

Available No-Charge Homework Sessions

Continuing on with and from the theme of mediumship.

I'm offering the following client homework sessions at no charge:

  • Historical Healer Consultation (in-person and remote)

  • Word Doctoring Session (in-person and remote)

  • Divination Session (in-person only)

These sessions can be undertaken in the same sitting.


Donation-Based Shamanic Healing

I am now offering a limited number of shamanic healing sessions per month on a donation basis. This extends to family and friends.

Reach out for details and to schedule a call.

Shamanic Journeying Counselling Method

This teaching and training is in-person only and runs for four sessions over four to six weeks. If you'd like to learn to journey in a safe supported and unique way reach out to learn more.

Do you have any questions?

If you have questions or would like more information on The Temple of The God(s) experience do reply to this email.


In Other News

This is my take on the sistrum rattle, a sacred instrument in ancient Egypt. The twisted vinewood was in the centre of the country road, and my path, while walking earlier this year.

Having only recently been introduced to the sistrum, in my mind's eye, I saw a sickle in non-ordinary reality. It was cutting through interwoven strands of energy anchoring us to a traumatic past, inhibiting our present moment, and restricting our future growth and expansion.

The 'copper' rattles are made from hammered two-pence coins.

I like that I can hold it in two different ways.

Watch this short video to see what I mean and hear how it sounds.

I use Sistrum Sickle during shamanic healing sessions.

In July I completed a 50-Hour Trauma Awareness Training.

The comprehensive eye-opening training is the brainchild of Gemini Adams. I couldn't help myself but describe it as:

'The foundational training you didn't know existed let alone needed.'

Gemini is a Complex-PTSD Trauma Recovery Specialist, Somatic Healer, Shamanic Practitioner, Author, and Artist.

Find out more about her training here: Union.Institute

Royal West Academy's 170th Annual Open Exhibition

'PENUMBRA' from my Limited Edition Consciousness MOD Calcite Collection (7+ years in the making) is one of 600 artworks selected from 4,000 to be part of Bristol's Royal West Academy's 170th Annual Open Exhibition.

The exhibition will be open to the public from Saturday 9 September 2023 to 14 January 2024. If you're in the area take a look: Royal West Academy

Consciousness MOD Caclite Greeting Card Collection

I still have a few of these collectable packs left. They can be used as greeting cards or framed and hung as miniatures. Christmas is coming and they make a lovely gift for friends and family.

Reach out if you'd like me to send you a box.

Consciousness MOD Caclite Framed Fine Art Collection

If you feel like pushing the boat out for a loved one, or for your own collection check out my Calcite Collection Brochure.

Where it all started...repurposing your life.

I have a collection of books that I wrote while living in a cave in Thailand all about what I call the Value Resources. I.e. Time, Money, Creativity, Purpose, Intention, Inaction, and Action.

The foundational book that forms the basis of my Consciousness MOD art collection is 'Repurpose Your Life : Master The Seven Works The Key To Creating Conscious Change and Working Your Why'.

You can find all my other books on iBooks / iTunes.

The Red-cockaded Woodpecker has nothing to do with me!

Vision-led Foresight-first MONEY MAPPING Workshop

I'm planning on running an in-person half or full-day Money Mapping workshop in Brechfa or Carmarthen, South Wales.

For increased clarity, certainty, confidence, comfort, and control.

It will cover money mindset, automated effortless contextual budgeting, cash flow forecasting, and everyday DIY financial planning.

It will be based on my Money Mapping System + Workshop and is for personal money and small business finances, and all ages.

Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you the details.

Shamanism Goes Mainstream

Early summer I went to London to reconnect with my old network. I didn't expect to be talking about shamanism in the boardroom!

Surprisingly I found many high-level executives and creatives want to know more about and at some point experience the Work first-hand in both a personal and business context.

My teacher envisages a time when anyone can drop in to see a shaman on their lunch break to clear an energetic blockage, have a part of their soul-essence returned, have a pressing question answered, or request a shamanic healing or tune-up.

It seems that someone has already had and executed the idea to have a shaman on every street corner! Although I'm not sure this kind of 'Shaman' is what my teacher had in mind!

Be well. I look forward to speaking soon.

Warmest, Richard.

WhatsApp +44 (0)7515 661078

Reach out to discuss what's going on for you right now.

A supported self-paced solution for technophile and technophobe designers, artists, authors, creators, yoga teachers, and healers.

Artist • Architect • Author • Alchemist