Subject: Shamanic Healing Sessions (no charge)

From a shamanic perspective, all illnesses and dis-ease of the mind and body have a spiritual basis irrespective of the often necessary healing...

In addition to my life, business, and spiritual mentoring, coaching, and training offerings you may be aware that I am currently undertaking a three-year professional shamanic healer practitioner training.

During this alchemical learning process, I'm adding to my shamanic healing toolbox through intensive compulsory and extracurricular training retreats, ongoing practice, and associated homework.

Although I've already exceeded the minimum requirement of in-field, in-person, and remote healing practice, in the Spirit of going above and beyond, in love and service, I'm continuing to offer a limited number of Shamanic Healing Sessions at no charge for a little while longer.

From a shamanic perspective, all illnesses and dis-ease of the mind and body have a spiritual basis irrespective of the often necessary healing methods being employed in the 'ordinary reality' of the physical world.

Additionally, some experiences as children or adults can be too traumatic and overwhelming for us to handle that an event may cause part of us to leave and seek solace in the 'non-ordinary reality' realms of Spirit.

Shamanic healing aims to retrieve these parts and clear any energetic blocks so that we might feel present, at peace, and more whole again.

Shamanic practices are best considered complementary to any existing and future healing modalities, conventional allopathic or alternative medicine, employed as part of your healing.

If this resonates with you or calls to you in some way let's have a chat to discuss what's involved, how it works, and if it feels right for you.


Book a 30-minute Shamanic Discovery Call

Depending on the demand, although I'll do my best, booking the call isn't a guarantee it will take place or that a healing session can be provided.

I advise booking your call as soon as you can.

Love, Richard.

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