Subject: Re-presenting a healing.

Can I say whether it was the fasting, the diets, or the shamanic practices I've encountered? No. But, I always ask myself whether that really matters.

I'm approaching the end of my 50th year in physical form.

At the same time, I'm close to breaking a two-week fast.

The last time I fasted over 7 days was in 2017 when I fasted for 40 days. This grape juice fast was broken after 4 full days of no consumption, i.e. 'dry' which means no juice, no water, no anything.

Apart from a dry mouth after brushing my teeth on the fourth day, I could have continued on. The body was willing, but the mind, heart, and Spirit, suggested you've met the work, you've fulfilled your intention.

When I started, this two-week fast without planning I went 'dry' for 34 hours before opening my first drinking 'window' by consuming some herbal 'kidney' tea, and then some grape juice. A few days ago I was dry for 48 hours and could have easily continued.

It became typical each day that my window of drinking shrunk to around 2 hours in the evening, and this was mainly happening due to the habit I'd formed based on my working day. Again, continuing wouldn't have been a problem.

This two-week fast has been undertaken while establishing, amongst other ongoing art projects and consultancy, the first incarnation of my shamanic healing practice. That means my days have been full to the brim of meeting potential students and clients, interacting for hours, holding space, and working on the follow-up, and associated administration. For the introvert hermit, this is a marked change to how I normally interact on a daily basis.

Only one day have I felt a little 'lower' than normal. But this usually happens when I'm in between projects or I'm a bit worn out (I tend to work a seven-day week so that I might have 'off' days when I choose and still make constant and continual progress with my projects and businesses).

My energy at all other times has been on par and above the level I normally experience. I've been at peace with the prospect and actuality of preparing a sacred healing space and welcoming clients into my studio. In short, there's been a lot of change (and progress) happening while I've been fasting.

The pinnacle so far for me has been meeting with a new client my having not consumed anything for 48 hours, and still being vital, enthusiastic, and (he hopes), engaging!

The transition wasn't at all challenging, I follow mainly a vegan diet, combined with a healthy dose of salt and vinegar crisps every now and then, I haven't consumed alcohol for a good few months (I once abstained from alcohol for ten years, which totally changed my relationship to be a take it or leave it outlook). Oh and I'd cut the coffee a week prior to starting the fast.

So withdrawal symptoms were minimal. All I really noticed was the habitual reach out for a swig of hot water (generally what I consume day and night as my beverage of choice).

Why am I sharing all this? Well, apart from expressing how amazed I remain at what the mind, body, and spirit are actually capable of (vs. what we are led to believe by the mainstream programming of what I call the 'High Definition (aka Consumption) Life', I want you to know that I always come out feeling and thinking better, and more at peace with my path.

How little we actually need to live well is always surprising.

Less is indeed more.

This fasting story is, combined with a cleansing diet, some prayer, and shamanic healing practices, the backdrop to personal healing.

In 2018 I was diagnosed with an under-active thyroid. But I wasn't (thankfully) suffering any symptoms. Apparently, my pituitary gland was over-revving (PSH) so that my thyroid would maintain the required level of T4 hormone (hence no symptoms). However, my PSH (pituitary gland) was up to 5 times over the 'safe' limit and I was told it was at risk of burning out and my thyroid failing.

After a few blood tests a month or so apart to double-check check I reluctantly started taking prescription thyroid medication. There weren't any side effects. I didn't feel any different. The next blood test showed my PSH levels were in the safe zone and all was as it should be. Apart from the fact I had to take a prescription drug for the rest of my life. Apparently.

I wondered at the time if this thyroid issue had always been there, or whether the 40-day fast had somehow caused it. Low calorific intake is cited as a potential disrupter to certain chemical levels in the body. Certainly, I'm sure during the transition adjustment phase that one's body must go through when a change like fasting happens.

Now my view is different. If the 40-day fast was a trigger I believe it played its part in allowing my body to bring this issue to the fore. To be dealt with. To be known, and understood.

Fast forward a year and during a pre-ceremony check-in with a shaman while I was in my second home in Thailand I mentioned I was on medication (never thought that would be a thing for me) and on hearing it was for a thyroid-related condition he told me of the Medical Medium.

When I returned to the UK I jumped all over Anthony William's books, I phased out the prescription drug over two weeks as I started his heavy metal cleansing and pro-thyroid healing diet.

For six weeks I followed the diets and then maintained the protocol for 6-12 months (to varying degrees) of being vegan, gluten-free, alcohol-free, sugar-free, and corn-free. Sure I cheated every now and then but not very often. 

I'd previously been mainly vegan with occasional milk with coffee, and a slice of chocolate cake or two ;-) so this thankfully wasn't very challenging.

A year later at the end of 2020, I had a follow-up blood test. By this stage, it was flagged that I hadn't been collecting my prescription.

The results came back in and without the medication, my levels were just outside the PSH (pituitary) safe zone. A year later they were similar but well within the advisory limit to take prescription drugs.

Last month I tested again and my levels were well within safe levels, in fact, my PSH level was mid-range. Without medication.

While I'll monitor my blood, and maintain the core of my diet, this represents a healing. Can I say whether it was the fasting, the diets, or the shamanic practices I've encountered? No.

But, I always ask myself whether that really matters.

I researched and consulted Spirit in its many forms, and took considered consistent action to meet and fulfil my intention of restoring and being at peace in balance.

Spirit's gift is to communicate in all ways.

Our role is to take (in)action always.

Love, Richard.

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Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation