Subject: Heads up. Read 'em and weep.

This week I officially launched Transformerpreneur and Flowcastic to my list, friends, colleagues, clients, and readers.

I also announced that I'd be adding you to my new email sequence.

It's designed to help you transform your transformerpreneurial life, your transformation business, and see your money future clearly today.

Starting tomorrow you'll receive a flurry of 'week one' emails with:

  • Three mini-books (money, time, work)

  • A short personality quiz (which T-Type are you?)

  • X Memberships (low-cost on-demand support)

  • A brief mission overview and related resources

  • A comprehensive bootstrapping guide

From 'week two' I'll send around one message a week with:

  • More mini-books (business, life, coming of middle age stories)

  • special offers (list-only launch discounts, spreadsheetitus cures)

  • A mini-course all about money, finance, and realising your vision

  • Detailed step-by-step mini-book self-publishing guides

  • How to facilitate Tranformerpreneur + Flowcastic™ offerings

And much more...BUT...and it's a BIG BUT...if receiving value via emails isn't your thing and my dropping you one or two emails a week throws your dreams of inbox zero into disarray then read 'em and weep...

Seriously though, if you'd rather just contact me via Facebook Messenger (like my page) or simply not hear from me at all again just hit the unsubscribe link in the footer of any and all of my emails.

If you're already feeling a bit peeved you know what to do.

Farewell, until tomorrow.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

Check out how we can help you get where you want to go.

On demand strategic and tactical guidance and support.

Here's the link to my Flowcasting BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner Profile Photo

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

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Transforming the Business of Transformation