Subject: Download BYB again. It's on me.

Every time you read a book the content changes relative to your current life context, content, and conflict. It feels like reading a new book.

For those that have or haven't noticed, the second, third, fourth, or fifth time you read a book the content changes relative to your current life context, content, and conflict. It feels like reading a new book.

This may sound weird. I sometimes find myself re-reading my own books, those written years ago and largely forgotten about. On the whole, my circumstances and concerns have evolved yet the books make more sense to me now than they did when I was writing them!

The first book I wrote in The Cave when I left my businesses 8 years ago, Break Your Busy • Set Your Creativity Free, a 5-star rated 1-2 hour read is FREE to download for a few days (no email required).

Even if you've already read Break Your Busy • Set Your Creativity Free or any of my books for that matter I highly recommend re-reading them as we transition into 2023 and look to a brighter more fulfilling and rewarding future. You'll be pleasantly surprised how on point they are.

Enjoy Better Life and Time Management.

Stop Procrastination, Be More Effective.

One of those books that change you on the inside and outside:

  • Identify what Busy Work is for you personally

  • Start using simple strategies to eliminate it from your life

  • Do what you want instead of being forced to do what you don’t

  • Feel more purposeful, fulfilled, and happier with your life

  • Tune in to your creative instincts, intuition, insights, and intention

  • Take creative action at home, work, in relationships, and in business

  • Feel and be more creative, more of the time

I’m also offering a conversation, a check-in, or a curiosity call if you like which, depending on your appetite for progress and change, may lead to a complimentary no-charge no-obligation Alchemy Session with me on a first-come-first-served basis.

Our time together will provide a safe place to focus on what's alive for you now in your life, relationships, health, money, work, projects, and business that needs some loving attention and space to be heard.

Have a conversation with Richard • Book a Curiosity Call

Whether that's a situation to navigate, a problem to solve, a conflict to resolve, or a dream to realise the purpose is to help you move toward your desired outcome without unnecessary delay or painful wrangling.

My intention is to bring my thirty-plus years of life, creativity, business, and ’otherworldly non-ordinary' shamanic experience of seeking Peace, finding Love, and cultivating Clarity to bear in my local neighbourhood and to those in my wider online community.

Should this appeal click the link below.


Book  Your 30 Minute 'Conflict' Curiosity Call

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

Check out how we can help you get where you want to go.

On demand strategic and tactical guidance and support.

Here's the link to my Flowcasting BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation