Subject: Conforming vs. Transforming

Where are you conforming to the ‘way things are done’ in life, career, and business and limiting your creativity in your continual striving...?

A long, long time ago as an architecture student, I was struck many times by doubt and uncertainty. One time I felt that what I was designing was so far off-piste as to be ‘wrong’ or ‘a load of old rubbish.’

In response to my vulnerable share, a friend boldly stated ‘What’s the point in doing something that’s already been done or that anyone could do?’ Doing that doesn’t really add anything, regardless of whether it turns out to be a win or a lose, a success or a failure.

Re-centred and reassured I continued on despite my reservations and thoroughly enjoyed being in the flow of creativity, in spirit-guided action if you like.

It turns out I predicted some now or soon-to-be commonplace technological and architectural innovations with the housing of the future project I’d designed.

It also earned me a place as a finalist in the Mac User Creative User of The Year Award alongside legendary product designers Seymour Powell. Not bad for a 21-year-old working out of his bedroom.

For nearly thirty years I’ve done my best to remember the essence of that advice and put it into practice. Too often I’ve lost sight of it or just plain forgotten. It’s easy to do when we’re trying hard to make our way in the world, earn a living, and enjoy life along the way with all of its chaotic ups and downs.

I really don’t want to do and be what anyone else could be or do. Being maverick, in our own special unique way isn’t easy. But with support, help, guidance, and encouragement it can be ease-ier and less ‘going it alone’ than you think and feel it has to be.

Where are you conforming to the ‘way things are done’ in life, career, and business and limiting your creativity in your continual striving to make ends meet, despite how restricted and wing-clipped that’s making you feel?

Stop the stifling soul betrayal. Nobody else will do it for you. They’re dealing with their own shit.

Take a step, a small bite of the elephant. Stop waiting around for things to change, for the time to ‘feel’ right, or for you to be ready.

We’re always not ready.

If we do feel we’re ready we’re likely falling into the trap of doing more of the same, what everyone else is doing.

We’re at risk of not doing what only we can do. We must synchronise and coordinate the eclectic mix of experiences, skills, and talents we’ve acquired along the way, on the fly, in real-time, as we take small steps and giant leaps into the unknown.

Be brave. Create a Curiosity Call with me now by clicking the link below.


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Love, Richard.

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