Subject: Conflict Pattern Rising plus Sustainable Approach Hierarchy

It felt like it was something engaging and fun, a forward-looking self-motivating approach to money and finance that wasn’t all about the numbers.

It felt like it was something engaging and fun.’

'The Flowcasting System that you’ve created really stood out to me. It felt like it was something engaging and fun. A forward-looking self-motivating approach to money and finance that wasn’t too dry and all about the numbers.'

A conflict pattern is emerging.

Or more precisely it is being voiced.

It’s no longer being pushed aside, postponed, or ignored.

It is being recognised and acknowledged.

And given much-needed attention.

It’s now safe for a heart-opening confidential discussion around personal money and business finance (these two often become entangled and compound the conflict pattern), and its holistic emotional and practical Value Resource management.

In short, as I suspected my Flowcastic™ Discovery Calls point to the same internal and externalised pattern conflict:

  • ’I’m really strong and do well at what I do.’ < I call this your Transformational Craft >

  • ‘I enjoy building relationships and delivering transformation with high-quality service.’

  • ‘The soft side of business comes naturally to me. This is where my attention naturally flows.’

These statements are of course Heart-Opening.

But, they are all too often accompanied on the flip side of the coin by the self-limiting internal Heart-Closing reality experience that’s been brushed under the rug for a bit too long.

  • ‘Money and finance is a strange language I just don’t enjoy.’

  • ‘Creating a sustainable structure for my business is a constant struggle.’

  • ‘I’m really not good with the business side of the business, especially money systems.’

  • ‘I struggle reading money books, and trying to make meaningful contextual budgets.’

  • ‘I’m craving some grounding before I roll out my new professional level hybrid offering.’

  • ‘Working back from an aspirational end-goal to manageable tasks would motivate me.’

  • ‘I’ve tried cut-and-paste one-size-fits-all budgeting and they just don’t work for me.’

  • ‘I get overwhelmed easily and then procrastinate, which just restricts my potential.’

  • ‘My income is a roller coaster. Up then down. It comes in waves, like my energy.’

Heart-Closing as these sentiments are, the subsequent externalised reality can be flipped, reversed, or at the least transmuted to a more strategic Mindset, emotional Heartset, and practical Toolset.

The System caters, no, stop, it doesn't just cater. It doesn't do it justice.

It's designed and created especially for the would-be, absolute beginner, to the veteran Transformerpreneur (inventors, designers, artists, creators, healers, yoga teachers, and wellness professionals).

It’s do-it-yourself, done-with-you, and done-for-you depending on your needs and your desired financial trajectory.

To introduce you I’ve created a triple-aspect FREE beginner on-ramp.

With it you can get a taste and a feel for how my hybrid inside-out and outside-in approach can meet you where you are and lead you through the trickery thicket to cash flow clarity, certainty, confidence, comfort, and control of your personal money and business finance.

  • Firstly you’ll gain access to 3 of 9 standalone MONEY MATTERS Mindset Mapping Mini-Course lessons (Mindset • Inside Out)

  • Second, you’ll have lifetime access to the Flowcast™ MINI-TOOL Automated Budget Forecaster (Toolset • Outside In)

  • Thirdly, you’ll schedule a call with me to craft a sustainable solution to your financial and monetary woes (Heartset • Trajectory)

And then some.

Help yourself to FREE (for now) financial support.

Schedule a discovery call today, they're proving useful: 

Or visit the CASH FLOW Clarity page for more details:


CONTEXT • The Holy Grail of Recession-Proof Cash Flow Clarity

Nobody wants to hear this let alone deal with it.

Regardless, we must listen, prepare, and take consistent action.

At some point, probably sooner than we’d like, and definitely much earlier than we’d expect the economy will hasten its descent down the slippery slope of recession and possibly (let’s hope it doesn’t) fall headlong off the cliff face of drawn-out depression.

Brexit, climate crisis, COVID, lockdowns, bailouts, war, inflation, cost-of-living increases, and material resource scarcity have, are, and will continue to contribute to a perfect storm of financial upheaval and in some extreme 'black swan' cases, life-changing devastation.

It’s high time to bring this pending reality to awareness, give it careful attention, and plan and manage your personal money and business finances accordingly so you aren’t caught off-guard.


Cash Flow Clarity Intentions

  • Enhance your wealth-generating capacity.

  • Achieve financial balance, strength, and equanimity.

  • Navigate financial decisions with ease, grace, and flow.

  • Dodge financial disasters ahead of and just in time.

  • Take advantage of (un)expected financial opportunities.

  • Increase cash flow into your life, projects, and business.

Quickly learn and apply the Cash Flow Clarity skills:

  • How Revere Seering and Failing Forward can prevent you from putting the financial cart before the vision realisation horse

  • The crucial difference between an inflexible traditional income expense budget and a cash flow forecast

  • The frustrating problem with a manual one-size-fits-all budget and cash flow templates and what to do about it

  • Synchronise your ad-hoc, one-off, and recurring incomes and expenses and mould your money reality to your Will

  • Vision-Led Money Mindset Mapping Models to anchor and amplify your Manifesting Manifold Value Resource Activations

I do my utmost to be a long head (don’t we all?) but without the long face. What does being a long head mean?

Having much foresight, good sense, or shrewdness; sagacious.

When it comes to money, finance, and realising that ever-evolving soul-vision, mission, and purpose of mine my primary practice, mindset, and toolset comes from my Vision-Led Money Matters Mindset Mapping approach, aka my Flowcasting™ System.

Flowcasting’s raison d’être is threefold:

  • allow everybody the ‘See(r) Your Money Future’ superpower to be prepared to dodge financial distress.

  • provide unique-to-you Money Map insights that lead to increased wealth and sustained financial freedom.

  • foster a worry-free and vision-led creative approach to Value Resource Manifesting Manifold Mastery.

Which can be summed up simply and succinctly as the:

🥚 Holy Grail Nest Egg of Recession-Proof Cash Flow

Or simply ‘Cash Flow Clarity

You see at the end of the day wealth or assets don’t count for much unless they’re generating positive cash flow for you to live well, your business to thrive, and your freedom to flourish.

Here’s the rub. None of this happens unless you know where you stand financially now (certainty), what will happen next (clarity), and where you’re likely to be in the medium to long term future (confidence).

And yes, you guessed it.

That’s where Flowcasting™ comes into its own.

Get started sooner rather than later. Avoid the doom and gloom.

Gain clarity, certainty, confidence, comfort, and control and start to navigate financial decisions with more ease, grace, and flow.

Help yourself to FREE (for now) financial support.


Still struggling to create a solid recession-proof budget cash flow forecast for your life, business, and investments? DM me or click to schedule a discovery call.

Financial Disclaimer

Under no circumstances should any of the information contained in this email, post, or publication and associated groups, websites, and verbal, or chat correspondence be misconstrued as financial planning guidance or professional investment advice.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

Check out how we can help you get where you want to go.

On demand strategic and tactical guidance and support.

Here's the link to my Flowcasting BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation