Subject: A shaman on every street corner.

The dust finally settles on my reconnection, marketing, and business development trip to London.

The dust finally settles on my reconnection, marketing, and business development trip to London.

My time was spent in meetings or travelling between them for 6 full days.

I introduced my Consciousness MOD art collection, my mentoring, coaching, healing practice, and Flowcastic, my financial well-being startup to no less than 33 creative business leaders.

That's almost 6 x 1-hour in-person meetings a day. If you're interested I can explain how I was able to create this full diary. Just let me know.

I wasn't able to reach this volume of meetings back in my heyday as the co-founder of my creative consultancy businesses. It's been so enjoyable, enlivening, intellectually stimulating, and incredibly productive to be focused purely on meeting people in person.

However, I didn't embark on this campaign without trepidation.

The preceding weeks and months had presented all kinds of resistance to taking this not-insignificant step back into the mainstream creative professions to talk about everything I've experienced and been up to over the last 7 years since I left.

It's taken quite some discipline to work through the unexpected inner conflict, turmoil, and unease that's arisen along the way. My thanks go out to family, friends, coaches, therapists, and shamans, who have helped me shift my perspective into being one of possibility and potential, ready to re-explore the unknown.

I really didn't expect to be talking about shamanism in the boardroom quite yet, although it does seem that someone has had the idea to have a shaman on every street corner (see photo).

Ironically my teacher envisages a time when anyone can drop in to see a shaman on their lunch break to clear an energetic blockage, have a part of their soul-essence returned, have a pressing question answered, or request a shamanic healing or tune-up.

I'm not sure this kind of 'Shaman' is what he had in mind!

Surprisingly I found many high-level executives and creatives are interested and want to know more and at some point experience the Work first-hand in both a personal and business context.

This whole self-creating (ad)venture was a real (partly unexpected) pleasure, and the overall response and feedback have been and continue to be very encouraging on a number of levels.

Sadly I couldn't see everyone but look forward to a re-run in July.

Of course in the meantime there is Zoom. I'm open to talking about what's going on with you, your work, and your business, and if appropriate my work as a creative mentor, coach, and healer, and how I'm working to bring financial well-being into the workplace.


Book an in-person Catchup with Richard.


And If you're interested in my 1-2-1 offerings you can also schedule a Curiosity Call at any time to have any of your questions answered and to discuss logistics by clicking the link below.


Book a Curiosity Call to find out more.

1-2-1 Offerings

Here are a few simple, straightforward quick-hit ways we can explore working together without the need for any long-term commitments.

Alchemy Coaching

We'll spend an hour together focussing on what's alive in your life, relationships, health, money, work, projects, or business that needs loving attention to be heard and worked unstuck to a point of clarity without unnecessary delay or painful wrangling.

Shamanic Healing

Either in-person or remotely I will undertake a shamanic journey to request an answer to your most pressing question, carry out a soul-part retrieval, or conduct an energy blockage removal.

Financial Clarity

I will create an automated, self-updating rolling budget or cash flow model while in session with you in about an hour. This session will quickly map your existing or aspirational personal money context, small business financial plan, or a combination of both.

Creative Realisation

Do you need support, guidance, or been-there-done-that design experience and execution to progress confidently with your physical realm project? If you're unsure how to turn your ideas and insights into an action-orientated plan and realisable outcome I can help.


Book a Curiosity Call to find out more.

Warmest, Richard.

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Are you having a perpetually hard time of it at home, at work, in business, or with money? Stormbreaker is an online six-week Transformational Group Coaching Programme designed to turnaround your life, relationships, career, business, and money problems.

Do you have a pressing question relating to your life, relationships, work, projects, or business that you’re struggling to answer?

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Artist • Architect • Author • Alchemist