Subject: 50% OFF • Money Mapping System + Tool + Workshop

A self-paced Money Mindset + Prosperity Practica for technophile and technophobe designers, artists, authors, creators, yogi(ni)s, and healers.

Black Friday 50% OFF • Now ONLY $47

Invest in my revamped self-paced Money Mapping Workshop

An online supported self-paced Money Mapping System + Workshop for technophile and technophobe designers, artists, authors, creators, yoga teachers, healers, and wellness professionals.

Then, when you're feeling ready you can choose if, when, and how often you want to jump into one of my regular LIVE Practica Drop-Ins.

And, yes, you read that right, you can attend more than one session and they're all included in the price of the system + workshop.

The good news is you no longer have to commit to a date and time to see a demonstration, have your questions answered, or have a go at Flowcasting with help and support from me before you buy.

Book your slot after you make your purchase, and if you can't make it, for whatever reason, that's not a problem, just cancel and book again.

Both the Mindset and Practica Modules and all the videos, tools, demonstrations, and exercises, including a new shamanic affirmation Masters of Money Meditation, are now all built into the online workshop portal for you to access whenever you want to.

The difference is that this uniquely powerful combination of training content is now complemented by a regular, more efficient, read less of a time commitment from you, LIVE Practica Drop-In Programme.

The upshot is that you have bespoke and tailored help only if, when, and how you need it to get the most out of your investment.

This enhanced package is still especially for designers, artists, authors, creators, coaches, yoga teachers, healers, and wellness professionals.

It's for those that may be struggling to get a handle on when, where, and how their personal money and business finance will flow, or not as the case may be, over the coming weeks, months, and years.

First I’ll inspire and motivate you to action with a Vision-Led Mindset.

Then I'll teach you how to quickly and easily create your own automated rolling cash flow, contextual budget, and wealth planning forecaster for your life, hobbies, special projects, and business.

Also known as a self-updating, always 'NOW' ready Flowcast™.

Flowcasting™ with an automated Flowcast™ is the only way I can keep on top of my present and future money movements across time.

This ensures that I don't face any nasty surprises, miss any opportunities, or have the financial wheels fall off my day-to-day detail operations and big-picture strategic soul-vision realisation.

With a little loving nudge and support, it can do the same for you too.

You’ll receive all the training and tools you need to get started with Flowcasting™ and have the opportunity to build your own Flowcast™ all with me on hand to guide and support you through the process.

Develop a vision-led Money Matters Mindset and your Money Management Toolset skills, so you can quickly create an automated rolling cash flow, contextual budget, and wealth planning forecaster for your life and or business


Check out the FlowcastingMoney Mapping Workshop

I hope to see you at a Money Mapping LIVE Practica Drop-In soon!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

Check out how we can help you get where you want to go.

On demand strategic and tactical guidance and support.

Here's the link to my Flowcasting BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation