Subject: 🌪️ There's a storm brewing...

Through a fusion of creative inquiry, alchemy coaching, and shamanic practices 'Stormbreaker' will lead and teach you to become eye of your storm.

I'm dropping into the creative process of my first transformational programme. It's especially for those that are having a hard time of it at work, in business, or with money. This might be you now or you may have gone through it and are just starting to emerge from the storm and are trying to reorientate yourself to a new way of being.

Of course problems and challenges in these areas impact our relationships, our health, and our well-being, making it even more of a struggle to stay aligned and on purpose in the day-to-day of our lives and the bigger picture of our soul vision and mission.

At its core, I intend for it to be a rolling join-anytime (life’s problems don’t conform to periodic launch schedules) four-week 1-2-1 plus weekly group session Transformational Alchemy Programme. To begin with, there will be a maximum number of 5 places at any one time. As one 'Stormbreaker' completes another can join.

That way the programme can remain transitional and fresh and maintain its focus on establishing the time, space, energy, and direction for you to drop that which isn't serving you and re-engage with that which you'd love to do, have, and be in your world.

Through a fusion of creative inquiry, alchemy coaching, and shamanic practices 'Stormbreaker' will lead and teach you to become the calm, peaceful, resourceful, and productive eye of your storm so that you can ride above it time and time again until it dissipates to the point of troubling you no more.

While the programme will be you-centric and be working specifically with a clear and present challenge that you are facing Stormbreaker will revolve around the Value Resources of Time, Money, Creativity, Purpose, Intention, Inaction, and Action.

If Stormbreaker sounds like it might serve you in one or more areas of your life I'd love to hear from you in the comments or in a short call to hear what's going on for you now so I can be sure to tailor the structure, format, and content for optimal transformational impact.

You can schedule a call here. I'd love to hear from you.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

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Here's the link to my Flowcasting BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation