Subject: ✈️ Planning a trip to Thailand?

This is where it went off-the-rails for me. Get your booking ducks in order. Avoid these pitfalls.

It's time to dust off the ole passport.

And gradually start to get my travel game-face back on.

After a 21-month hiatus, having only visited the local supermarket (which I've weirdly enjoyed), like many my international travel-planning wits are somewhat blunted and frayed at the edges, to say the least.

Coordinating and budgeting insurance, SHA+, Test & Go, eVisa, Thailand Pass, and international flights is all a bit of a nightmare.

Excitement and impatience, combined with too little or too much research (you choose) led me to over-think, over-plan, and end up in a right chicken-and-egg email tennis hullabaloo,

If you're thinking of travelling to Thailand in the coming weeks or over the next few months, this is where it went off-the-rails for me.

I implore you to get your booking ducks in a row before it’s too late.

This is my story so far with tips, links, and pitfalls to avoid.

Read Article > Travelling to Thailand

Love, Richard.

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Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation