Subject: 🗝️ Open Sesame • Profound Freedom(s)

Find where those 'thieves' have hidden your treasure. I'm seeking a visionary eager to explore the uncharted realms of possibility and potentiality.

Find out where those 'thieves' have hidden your treasure.

I’m expanding my Alchemy Programme to include a 6 to 12-month bespoke and tailored 1-2-1 life, business, health, wealth, relationship, and spiritual transformation commitment container.

I'm seeking one visionary client willing and eager to step forward and explore the realms of possibility and uncharted potentialities that will catalyse expansion and synchronised growth in all areas of their lives.

This individual will be excited and enlivened by the prospect of working from both the inside out and from the outside in to systematically eradicate suffering and establish a profound level of personal, professional, business, and creative freedom so they can enjoy an ongoing 'controlled explosion' in their capacity to experience:

Mental, emotional, and physical healing, consistent creation through inevitable often prolonged periods of painful wrangling and not knowing, an expanded awareness of and connection to Spirit and soul purpose, a greater sense of peace and well-being, more harmonious relationships, enhanced creativity, flexibility, flux, flow, and fun, higher quality clients and projects, heightened efficiency, amplified productivity, improved profitability, and increased income.

Significant, sustainable, lasting, life-affirming change with real-world results will be the central focus of this important Work.

This Work, undertaken remotely and in person, will comprise a unique-to-you mix of light-touch to in-depth transformational mentoring, coaching, training, consulting, and healing sessions and components, to suit your context, situation, availability, and goals.

To discuss how this level of Alchemy might look and feel for you or someone you may know click below to book a Curiosity Call.


â–¶ Book an Alchemy Activation Curiosity Call

Love, Richard.

Reach out to discuss what's going on for you right now.

Get clear on what you want, why, when, and how to make it happen.

Are you having a perpetually hard time of it at home, at work, in business, or with money? Stormbreaker is an online six-week Transformational Group Coaching Programme designed to turnaround your life, relationships, career, business, and money problems.

Do you have a pressing question relating to your life, relationships, work, projects, or business that you’re struggling to answer?

â–¶ Learn more about Shamanic Journeying On Your Behalf

A supported self-paced solution for technophile and technophobe designers, artists, authors, creators, yoga teachers, and healers.

Artist • Architect • Author • Alchemist