Subject: 🛠️ NEW Money Mapping Mini-Workshop LIVE with Richard Conner

A two-part workshop (Mindset + Practica) for those struggling to get a handle on when, where, and how their money will flow across time.


I’ve just finished the web page and overview video announcing my first online Flowcasting™ MONEY MAPPING Mini-Workshop :-)

It's especially for designers, artists, creators, coaches, teachers, healers, wellness professionals, and other Transformerpreneurs of that ilk.

Essentially it's for those that may be struggling to get a handle on when, where, and how their personal money and business finance will flow, or not, over the coming weeks, months, and years.

First I’ll inspire and motivate you to action with a vision-led mindset.

Then I'll teach you how to quickly and easily create your own automated rolling cash flow, contextual budget, and wealth planning forecaster for your life, hobbies, special projects, and business.

Also known as a self-updating, always 'NOW' ready Flowcast™.

Flowcasting™ with an automated Flowcast™ helps me keep on top of my future money movements across time.

This ensures that I don't face any nasty surprises, miss any opportunities, or have the financial wheels fall off my day-to-day operations and big-picture vision realisation.

With a little nudge and support, it can do the same for you too.

You’ll receive all the tools you need to get started with Flowcasting™ and have the opportunity to build your own Flowcast™ all with me on hand to guide and support you through the process.


It's a two-part workshop (Mindset + Practica)


  1. Part One is a 90-minute watch-in-your-own-time online MONEY MATTERS Mindset Mapping Solutions Video Lesson Mini-Course.

  2. Part Two is a 90-minute Demonstration + Practica Group Session live with me over Zoom for a maximum of 7 students at a time.

I'll be running these Practicas every other Saturday at 11:00 am GMT starting from 25 June this month onwards. while they're needed.

Should you have friends or colleagues interested to join, reply to this email and I can look into scheduling a Practica Group Session that works for you and your timezone. I’m open to your suggestions.

Find out more, watch the overview, start the workshop straight away if you're feeling it (no email required), and then sign up for your Practica Group Session live with me to guide and support you along the way.

Check out the Flowcasting™ MONEY MAPPING Mini-Workshop


I hope to see you at a MONEY MAPPING Practica soon!


Still struggling to create a solid recession-proof budget cash flow forecast for your life, business, and investments? DM me or click to schedule a discovery call.

Financial Disclaimer

Under no circumstances should any of the information contained in this email, post, or publication and associated groups, websites, and verbal, or chat correspondence be misconstrued as financial planning guidance or professional investment advice.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

Check out how we can help you get where you want to go.

On demand strategic and tactical guidance and support.

Here's the link to my Flowcasting™ BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation