Subject: 🎄 It sort of looks like a Xmas tree. Doesn't it?

And then it struck me, like a lightning conductor atop a church spire.

Its started.

The inbox overflowing with a cavalcade of Christmas well wishes.

And then it struck me, like a lightning conductor atop a church spire.

As if by creative accident, my cover design for my new book looks a bit like a Christmas tree, sans the angel Gabriel or the Star of Bethlehem.

Or, a paintbrush, scalpel, arrow, fountainhead, or stairway to heaven.

At least it does to me. Especially when you squint and blur your eyes.

What does it remind you of? And don't say mouse pointer.

Divine providence or otherwise now seems like as good a time as ever to launch this manifesto to Significant Life Change, personal transformation, realising your vision, and manifesting your mission within and without the limiting confines of the High Definition Life (aka the Matrix).

Transformerpreneured • A Life Less Linear • It's Time To Give A Shift... available digitally or in paperback pre-Xmas, so you can shower yourself or your loved ones with the ineffable power of change and the inspiration and motivation to act on it, now for your own good self and Self.

Get it wherever you like here > Transformerpreneured

If you're likely to be in the bay of love anytime soon, reach out.

Oh, and happy holidays!

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

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Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation