Subject: 👀 I know you'd rather stick pins in your eagle eyes.

It's critical for your own peace of mind and superior decision-making prowess that you have this kind of information to hand.

Under the eagle's eye.

When you're starting, growing, or turning around any type of business, be that a one-person-band or a larger enterprise with a virtual and physical team operating behind the scenes or front-of-house you really should be able to answer these kinds of questions confidently and with certainty.

  • When can I start?

  • What have I missed?

  • Will I be overstretched?

  • When will we hit our goals?

  • Can we afford not to do this?

  • When should I get more sales?

  • How much funding will we need?

  • What are the best-case scenarios?

  • What’s the worst that could happen?

  • What’s my likely return on investment?

  • How long do I have to make this work?

  • How can I reduce my risk of failure?

  • How much profit could we make?

  • When will I run out of money?

  • Can this work financially?

  • When will I afford it?

  • Will I succeed?

All that said, or asked, just because you ought to be able to answer them in a timely manner and make important, often business-critical decisions based on them it doesn't mean you actually have to be the one grinding away down in the nitty-gritty detail and coming up with the answers anew yourself every time you're in dire need of them.

👀 I know, you'd rather stick pins in your eyes...

I get it. If it's not your thing this kind of financial business planning and maintenance is a major soul-sucking distraction from doing the work you enjoy and love. Facilitating transformation in one form or another.

You know, deploying that creative skill, talent, and experience that adds greater value to your business and ultimately your community and clients.

Those loyal patrons that trust you with their hard-earned cash to deliver on your promise to transform their lives and businesses, efficiently and effectively, without the real-world distractions of cash flow, profit and loss, and budget forecasting issues weighing you down.

Believe it or not, it's very possible to ease or eliminate this important administrative burden entirely cost-effectively by paying for someone else to do it for you. And I don't mean in the expensive, irregular, ad hoc, after-the-event, the horse has already bolted kind of way that many so-called financial professionals serve up to naive Transformerpreneurs.

Superior decision-making prowess.

No, it's critical for your own peace of mind and superior decision-making prowess that you have this kind of information to hand. Now, today, not at some point in the future when it's too late to act on it proactively.

Believe me, having this aspect of your life and business nailed down means you can navigate financial decisions with more ease, grace, and flow, in perpetuity, with minimal or no effort expended on your part.

This means you can remain perfectly present to your most important and creative work without the low-vibration uncertainty and foreboding that accompanies a lack of clarity when it comes to your personal money and business finance position and management (aka the not knowing).

Well, in this regard, I have great news for you. With our Flowcasticâ„¢ guaranteed variety of help and support, you can now grow, flow, and glow with more financial confidence than you can shake your shtick at.

Flowcasticâ„¢ CLARITY Available NOW

Our done-for-you financial plans, budgets, pipelines, and cash flows, one-off and or recurring service designed especially for new and established Transformerpreneurs alike is available now.

Click below to find out more and schedule a CLARITY call today to discuss your unique business situation and requirements in detail.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

Check out how we can help you get where you want to go.

On demand strategic and tactical guidance and support.

Here's the link to my Flowcastingâ„¢ BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation