Subject: 🏂 Fresh fast-tracks through the trickery thicket.

With a bloodied nose, bruised bum, swollen knees, and aching elbows, by the end of my first week, I was fearlessly tackling...

Fresh fast-tracks.

To enjoy the fresh snow and glide down the powder fields uninterrupted with the wind in your hair and the sun on your face you have to be able to 'jump-the-queue'. Metaphorically and literally.

Chair lifts and cable cars will only take you so far.

Where everyone else is going and has already been.

That's nice. Comforting even. But extraordinary? Nope.

30 years ago, in the French Alps, you could count the number of snowboarders you'd see in one week on one hand. Learning to board back then was hard. Not for the faint-hearted. Teachers were scarce.

It was all trial and error. Forced feedback.

I quickly lost count of the number of times I face-planted on the icy roads connecting the overly busy blue run beginner pistes. 

But, through gritted teeth, with a bloodied nose, bruised bum, swollen knees, and aching elbows, by the end of my first week, I was fearlessly tackling red and black runs like I was riding a bike.

I fell a lot on piste and off. Once, after a flash snowstorm, the powder was really, really, deep. Red rag to a bull deep.

If you don't know what you're doing in powder you can get yourself into a whole heap of trouble incredibly quickly.

If gravity isn't helping you it's hurting you!

Want to see a grown man cry?

Watch him for hours on end over and over again try to lever himself out of 2m of white light fluffy stuff strapped to a plank of wood.

Not a pretty sight.

Still, after clawing, crawling my whimpering way back to the relative safety and stability of the piste which was followed by practicing hard for a few more weeks I was pulling 360s, 720s, 1080s, and backflips.

Ok, I lied about the last two.

I was more taken to keeping a keen edge by carving wide sweeping arcs down the freshly groomed red run pistes or gliding lightly over the forest flanked powder fields at speed than twisting, turning, and tumbling through the air.

Each to their own. I would see-saw between the two, but my heart has always erred toward floating, fast, and fearless.

Going off-piste does have its challenges. If it's not staying on top of deep snow, it's avoiding trees, rocks, dead-ends, and sheer cliff drops. All while remaining present and alert enough to get into and stay in your flow and, well, simply enjoy the ride for what it is. Bliss.

Staying on-piste has its fair share of risk too. Especially for those who feel the need for speed. There are rules that everyone is expected to stick to for their own safety and their own.

Here's the thing. The higher you go the fewer people there are. It's just not as busy. You can breathe more openly, move more freely, and let rip as fast as you like without worrying about crashing into anything or hurting anyone, including yourself.

Labelling it expansive doesn't do the experience justice.

Flying higher still is not without risks. If it was everyone and anyone would be up there making tracks from dusk till dawn. As with the air, altitude also thins the herd and clears the way.

You're above the tree line. There's very little to slow you down.

To rise above the clouds, literally, you need to be adventurous (and trusting) enough to charter a helicopter (six thousand pieces of metal trying to get away from each other), or any other form of VTOL vehicle, with a very experienced pilot.

And most crucially a guide who knows both the high altitude terrain like the back of their hand and the level of experience and skill of each individual or group in their care.

Building a transformation business (btw we're all in the business of transformation if you were wondering) and an exceptional 'Transformerpreneurial' life experience is a lot like snowboarding.

You really must decide early if you're going to stay on the lower slopes, complete with melting snow, busy pistes, and long queues.

Or are you going to take the high road to the upper slopes, replete with fresh snow, clear skies, and awesome adventures?

Do you have a mountain to climb?

The answer is never a simple yes or no.

It's 'always', followed by another equally powerful question.

How high shall I climb before I glide gracefully back down?

Short runs or long runs. What's your preference?

I know what I choose. What about you?

You have your Everest, I have my K2. They're somewhat different on the outside but largely the same on the inside.

Building a transformation business that serves you just as well if not better than it serves your clients and customers is no mean feat and has many more emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges than getting yourself up early enough to make the first lift.

There are a lot of moving parts.

Most of them are behind the scenes.

In the unseen.

The unbroken.

The hidden.

Ironically, manifesting your heart's desire has little or nothing to do with honing your transformational craft. That device is merely a passenger. It's not the vehicle. A feedback loop. In essence, it's a successive sequence of collapsed preferential waveforms that make up only a minuscule aspect of your true soul identity.

To explore the limitless requires courageously crafting your soul-vision through the crucible of life's trials and tribulations in real-time and in dream-time and then continually surrendering it to the unknowable and allowing it to be fully realised powerfully through you. Not forcefully by you. From the inside out at the same time as from the outside in.

We all know deep inside life isn't all about feeding the damn feed.

Yet, the feed is everywhere. Up, down, inside, and out.

In our relationships, our thoughts, and our dreams.

It is the forced feedback loop seed that we water day in and day out with our limiting or un-limiting stories and beliefs way before they appear on the screen of our digital and ideological feeds.

But feed it we must. If we don't we stagnate. No feedback.

It's a mirror that must be shattered with your truth so that the reality of Who, Why, and What you are capable of creating can be seen, firstly by you, for what they are. Re-directing your stream. Downhill rather than uphill. Let gravity do the hard work for you.

Layer by layer re-reveal, work, and unashamedly live your truth.

That's all anyone really wants. Isn't it? To express.

What is it that you want to express, really?

Why are you here now reading this?

Whether you're on the foothills, lower slopes, lift station, basecamp, or making your way steadily toward the summit you can't do this soul-work all on your own even if you wanted to.

Despite being a 'Deep Generalist' I've never built a successful business of any kind or the nomadic Transformerpreneurial lifestyle of my dreams entirely on my lonesome.

'Deep Generalist' is shorthand for being fortunate or unfortunate enough, depending on how the planets are aligned, the phase of the lunar cycle, the day of the week, and how well your cash flow is, well, flowing, to be multi-skilled and highly experienced in a wide range of interrelated creative disciplines.

That's what 30+ years in the game does for you.

I've always had business partners, a skilled team, service providers, and professional advisors, coaches, and mentors acting as expert teachers, guides, and sounding boards, to help me stay the course and get shit done, and when necessary, undone.

These guardian angel allies manifest in the form of family, friends, books, colleagues, networks, masterminds, and every Tom, Dick, and Harriet hawking their wares online.

There's a lot to choose from. Enter option paralysis.

Sometimes it's just easier to do nothing and stay with the status quo. Better the devil you know right? Wrong.

Truth time waits for no man.

Through his time-tested process of consciousness calibration Dr David Hawkins, the groundbreaking author of 'Truth Vs. Falsehood' reported that around 50% of the internet is just plain old wrong or misleading.

The problem, according to Hawkins, is that mere mortals don't have the capacity to discern which half is on the money and which is full of crap.

To get over this and many more Transformation Business-building obstacles, that you will undoubtedly face as you ascend the snowy highs, I have created the Transformperpreneur X Memberships.

The core of these memberships is unlimited on-demand access to me, my 30+ years of innumerable strategic, tactical, technical, business, finance, and my creative skills, tools, teachings, and experience.

In short, you can gain access to:

  • Genius level coaching clearing creating

  • Bespoke synthesis growth catalysts

  • Limitless Value Resource mastery

Your inherently unique to you Value Resources are Time, Money, Creativity, Purpose, Intention, Inaction, Action. They need to be respected, measured, unlocked, harnessed, and mastered.

I will show you how or I don't get paid. It's that simple.

With more than a quarter of a century of experience starting, saving, turning around, and growing an award-winning group of transformation businesses from zero to $5M in annual sales and $25M+ lifetime revenue under my belt, I am now mentoring, coaching, and guiding others to create their version of success.

That's up to $500,000K a month in monetary terms.

Not your measly mainstream wannabe $50K or $100K months ;-) that are flouted and touted every which way you turn on social media.

I don't care how hard the feed is trying to convince me otherwise.

An (ad)venture always starts with $0, then $1K+ per month (most people are stuck here), then $10K+, then $100K+, then $200K+, then skyward to your choice of $X per month of sustained predictable reliable income and increasing profits.

Dependent, of course, on the following pre-requisites.

Truth. Vision. Time. Focus. Work. Feedback. Help.

The Soul Seven. That's what it takes to get to the higher levels.

I know because I've done it. One way. The force way.

Now I'm doing it the other way. The power way.

I don't expect you to just take my word for it. You could ask Richard & Judy or Google Richard Conner Architect, Microflat Selfridges, Piercy Conner, Assembly Studios, and you'll find some dodgy photos of the younger creative Transformerpreneur me looking way too serious.

But, seriously (there I go again), you'll find evidence that I've walked my talk for many years, and that I have the highs, lows, and enduring life and business mastery battle scars to prove it.

  • 40 years ago while learning to code on the family computer I wondered if life was just a really high-resolution computer game.

  • 30 years ago I founded an architectural practice, CG illustration studio, and creative agency (they’re both going strong today).

  • 20 years ago I would find my 'lost' self researching flying cars, robots, humanoids, and sex dolls when I was hungover.

  • 15 years ago I stopped drinking alcohol and started creating my first online courses (they’re still available now).

  • 10 years ago Microflat and Microlife Selfridges went analogue viral 5 years before digital viral was even a thing.

  • 5 years ago I left the creative businesses I co-founded to find, facilitate, and follow my path of truth. My quest continues.

My next question to you is what will you do, now?

Find, facilitate, and follow your own unique path of truth?

Or will you stay stuck where you are?

Overly reactive vs creatively proactive?

What does your heart say?

What's your call(ing)?

My Transformperpreneur X Memberships are a risk-free way for us to get to know each other. And then more specifically for us both to discover how I might best serve you, your transformation business, and your Transformerpreneurial lifestyle, by, well, my actually serving you.

I know first-hand that sometimes it's really difficult to know what you need to do, when to do it, and when not to. I get that. Really I do.

Big courses, workshops, and programs have their place. I have a few of them myself. But, sometimes, or should I say oftentimes business is an exploration and adventure and is full of ups, downs, twists, and turns.

Navigating these flow fluctuations as they come up isn't always easy.

Where would be the fun in that?

Charting or clearing a path through the thicket isn't straightforward.

Dealing with the unknowns of life and business is challenging.

Transformperpreneur X Memberships come with a rolling 30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee (pro-rata for yearly plans). 

PLUS join now to enjoy a first-month new member saving of:

  • $100 OFF Checkpoint and Momentum or

  • $200 OFF Ultimate Monthly

Or, for the truly dedicated and committed who really do want to be in the business of moving mountains you'll save $2,000 each year by signing up now for Ultimate Yearly. The complete soul-vision realisation mountain moving shebang.

Click below to find out more, reply to this email, or book a discovery call to thrash out a fresh fast-track way through your trickery thicket.

See you on the slopes.

The X Memberships link is always included in all of my emails.

If you want to discuss X Memberships details with me directly use the link below to book a 20-minute discovery session.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

Check out how we can help you get where you want to go.

On demand strategic and tactical guidance and support.

Here's the link to my Flowcasting™ BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation