Subject: 💸 Financial Freedom 💧 Faucet Don't Force It

A welcome change to the negligible near-zero to negative (in real terms) returns offered by the mainstream traditional banking system...

I've thought long and hard about sending this email.

Why? Because the contents and what it leads to definitely fall into the 'If it sounds too good to be true it probably is' category of opportunity.

Should that already feel off-putting to you, close or delete this email and forget this ever happened! If your interest is piqued read on.

For just over two years I've been invested in Bitcoin and Ethereum. In that time I've secured some relatively substantial gains, for a newbie.

But, and it's a big but, it has and remains somewhat of an emotional rollercoaster, and because of that in my view, it's most definitely long-term suck-it-and-see. At some point maybe gains can be realised.

Unless you're up to the task of day-trading your way through the morass of cryptocurrency 'moon-shot' alternatives out there, this seems to be the 'safer' way to be invested in cryptocurrency.

Or so I thought.

Towards the end of last year, a few short weeks before a long-overdue trip to my spiritual home of Koh Phagan, Thailand, my eyes were opened to the emerging digital world of decentralised finance (DeFi).

It wasn't that I hadn't heard about DeFi. I just hadn't got around to looking into it. Perhaps I just wasn't ready to digest, absorb, and take advantage of what I discovered in this parallel world of finance.

A long-standing friend encouraged me to look beyond the big names of mainstream crypto and research the 'unbelievable' promises of sustainable high-interest rates and returns on offer through DeFi.

As soon as I'd decided to go down the DeFi rabbit hole it was clear that these projects, products, and ecosystems offer different kinds of financial opportunities at varying levels of risk. And there's always risk.

Albeit this was a welcome change to the negligible near-zero to negative (in real terms) returns offered by the mainstream traditional high-street banking system that most of us in the 'real-world' has until now been restricted or enslaved to. FYI the banks use our savings to 10x (and then some) their money as part of 'their' not 'our' system.

Since then I've spent more than four months researching, testing, and trialing various DeFi projects and products. At the same time, I've been getting my game-face on so that I can handle things like wallet security, gas fees, blockchain networks, and online scams.

It's still the early 'Wild West' days of DeFi and while the days of 100,000X your initial Bitcoin investment are likely over there remains some very interesting and exciting financial opportunities to explore.

That's why when I came across a relatively low-risk but high-return product that's geared towards more mainstream 'non-crypto geek' adoption, that promises significant gains over longer (i.e. not get rich super-quick) investment periods I dug a little deeper.

After testing out the product with my own money I've now been invested for over two months and it's doing what it says on the tin.

As part of my exploration, I've written a mini-book getting started manual and goal planning forecast model, with a Telegram channel, Facebook Group, and Medium articles to help with your own research.

And you should always do your own research!

I'm also actively and directly supporting investors that want to explore the product further and get started on their quest for financial freedom.

DRIP Network is a foundational and relatively safe, secure, simple, and straightforward place to start and continue, your DeFi journey.

Faucet Don’t Force It â€¢ Turn $1K Into More Than $20K a Month Passive Income In Less Than a Year With Drip Network is available NOW!

Faucet Don’t Force It â€¢ Turn $1K Into More Than $20K a Month Passive Income In Less Than a Year With Drip Network is available NOW!

Financial Disclaimer

Under no circumstances should any of the information contained in this publication and associated groups, websites, and verbal, email, or chat correspondence be misconstrued as financial planning guidance or professional investment advice.

  • The author is not a finance professional or financial advisor.

  • Figures and numbers are included for illustration only.

  • Only invest what you can comfortably afford to lose.

  • Do your own research before investing in DRIP.

  • Read the DRIP Whitepaper for more detail.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

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Here's the link to my Flowcastingâ„¢ BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation