Subject: 🍽️ Enough of the plate spinning already...

If money issues are your 'storm' at the moment, know this: The Money Mapping System + Workshop is included with Stormbreaker

If money issues are your 'storm' at the moment, know this: The Money Mapping System + Workshop is included with Stormbreaker my NEW join-anytime four-week 1-2-1 and group Transformational Alchemy Programme to turnaround your life, business, and money problems.

A conflict pattern is emerging.

Or more precisely it is being voiced.

It’s no longer being pushed aside, postponed, or ignored.

It is being recognised and acknowledged.

And given much-needed long overdue love and attention.

It’s now safe for a heart-opening confidential discussion around personal money and business finance (these two often become entangled which compounds the conflict pattern), and its emotional, mental, and practical resolution and ongoing management.

I’m really strong and do well at what I do. < I call this your Transformational Craft >
I enjoy building relationships and delivering transformation with high-quality service.
The soft side of the business is natural to me. This is where my attention naturally flows.

These statements are positively Heart-Opening.

But, they are all too often contrasted on the flip side of the coin by the self-limiting internal Heart-Closing reality experience that’s being brushed under the rug.

• Money and finance are strange languages I just don’t enjoy.
• Creating a sustainable structure for my life and business is a constant struggle.
• I’m really not good with the business side of the business, especially money systems.
• I struggle reading money books and trying to make meaningful contextual budgets.
• I’m craving some financial grounding before I start my business.
• Working back from an aspirational end goal to manageable tasks would motivate me.
• I’ve tried cut-and-paste one-size-fits-all budgeting and they just don’t work for me.
• I get overwhelmed easily and then procrastinate, which just restricts my potential.
• My income is a roller coaster. Up then down. It comes in waves, like my energy.

Heart-Closing as these sentiments are, the subsequent externalised conflict reality can be turned around and reversed, or at the least transmuted to a more strategic Mindset, emotional Heartset, and practical, simple-to-learn, and easy-to-use Toolset.

This Money Mapping self-paced Mindset + Practica modules (including a regular take it or leave it hosted LIVE Drop-Ins) are designed and created especially for Transformerpreneurs.

I.e. would-be, new, beginner, and veteran inventors, designers, artists, authors, creators, healers, yoga teachers, and wellness professionals.

It’s a triple-aspect gentle on-ramp for those that might be or don’t want to be struggling to get a handle on their money movements now, and in the short, medium, and long-term future.

Experience first-hand how my hybrid inside-out and outside-in approach can meet you where you are and lead you through the tortuous trickery thicket to cash flow clarity, certainty, confidence, comfort, and control of your personal money and business finance, now, today, and in perpetuity.

Complete the workshop modules (approx. 3 hours of content and exercises) and you will be able to create your own automated rolling cash flow, contextual budget, and wealth planning forecaster for your life and business with the Flowcast™ MINI-TOOL (included).

Know that if you’re struggling with any aspect of the supported self-paced Money Mapping Workshop jump into any or all scheduled hosted LIVE Practica Demonstration with Q+A sessions that suit you.

Click below to find out more:

Money Mapping System + Workshop


Stormbreaker â€˘ Become the eye of your storm and ride above it.



If Stormbreaker sounds like it might serve you in one or more areas of your life I'd love to hear from you in the comments or in a short call to hear what's going on for you now so I can be sure to tailor the structure, format, and content for optimal transformational impact.

You can schedule a call here. I'd love to hear from you.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

Check out how we can help you get where you want to go.

On demand strategic and tactical guidance and support.

Here's the link to my Flowcasting™ BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation