Subject: 💤 Do you tire of the constant barrage of digital communication?

I'm yearning for a more old-school approach. Slower-paced, more tangible, more digestible. I long to touch what I create and what I consume.

Who else tires of the constant barrage of digital communication? 

Be it in the form of updates, marketing, or outright selling. And also the part we all play in propagating it as a creator or consumer? I do.

I'm yearning for a more old-school approach.

Slower-paced, more tangible, more digestible. I long to touch what I create and what I consume. I find myself more and more drawing away from the pixellated looking glass I've been peering through for the best part of a thirty-year career in the creative industries.

Together, let us slow time down rather than speed it up.

After embarking on a three-year Professional Shamanic Practitioner training earlier this year the Artist within (us all) is continuing to rage against the machinations of the always on, always connected, always chasing (one's tail) High Definition Life we have inadvertently become over-subscribed and over-committed to and over-invested in.

Emanation • Calcite Series • Consciousness MOD Collection by Rochilez & Conner

Some of you will have noticed, that despite my distaste for digital bondage (don't get me onto AI art - my Work Life Wide Open writings and books prophesied this moment an octave of years past - more on this in a future post) my over-reliance on technological tools to conduct my Work and Life, or Life's Work remains largely intact.

My Consciousness MOD seed collection (indeed my first works of art in the traditional digital sense) is almost ready for full launch and release.

To be clear these works were NOT created by Artificial Intelligence as it is known, or by computer algorithms, but channelled through the act of ecstatic trance, shamanic journey, life experience, meditation, contemplation, writing, sketching, 3D â–¶ 5D modelling, and digital artistry.

It represents the beginning of a transitional move outwards as Artist.

Much like the practice of architecture, whose creativity transmutes digital representations of ideas into the five-dimensional experience within and without the physical realm that engulfs us.

To use oneself and its connection to Soul, Source, i.e. one's Creative Core, as a Manifesting Manifold, in the form of an artist has become my primary calling.

My work as an architect and author will support this endeavour.

The arch-canvas of consciousness on which I will chart this labyrinthine flight of the unknown and mould it into multi-dimensional form is varifold.

It has begun. So let it be said. Thanks be to all.

That I may keep you apprised of progress and produce both digitally and physically as needs must I kindly invite you to join the Rochilez & Conner physical realm list â–¶

Bubble • Calcite Series • Consciousness MOD Collection by Rochilez & Conner

That I may keep you apprised of progress and produce both digitally and physically as needs must I kindly invite you to join the Rochilez & Conner physical realm list â–¶

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Lattice • Calcite Series • Consciousness MOD Collection by Rochilez & Conner

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

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Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation