Subject: 📢 Calling all conflicts...

Move toward your desired outcome without unnecessary delay or wrangling. Complimentary no-charge Alchemy Sessions are limited.

Happy New Year.

Over the last few years, I’ve struggled with not knowing what I want.

To do, to have, to be.

I’ve managed to navigate the trickery thicket.

Of woulda, coulda, shoulda, by focussing most of my time, money, creativity, purpose, intention, inaction, and action on doing what I want, when I want, and with who I want to do it.

This ‘way’ has served ‘me’ to a certain degree and will continue to do so, albeit to a much lesser extent.

I recently had a long overdue (in my opinion) ‘appointment’ with a relative stranger who closed our conversation with ‘Congratulations, you’ve won! Well done you.’ She let me sit with that for a moment. 

‘Phew, job done. Now that’s done and dusted, do you think you can let it go and just lay down the gauntlet for a moment, and move on?’

‘And share with me, what, if anything are you going to create and breathe life and love into, right now, with me?’

I’d had the sudden realisation that the not knowing wasn’t the real underlying struggle I’d been wrangling with and that the ‘knowing’ was.

These knowings always seemed to me to be in constant conflict with each other triggering me to unconsciously seesaw one to the other.

The outcome? I’ve rarely given myself permission to fully commit to one, the other, or all. Oscillating between the options so fast it feels like I've been standing still, despite all I've managed to 'do'.

Oh, so many stealth conflicts to notice, uncover, and untangle.

But here’s the great thing about inner-outer conflicts.

They compound. Sometimes just one comment, question, or observation can be the pull that the tangled thread needs to work loose, and a cascade of conflicts comes crashing down.

Conflicts no more. The veil is lifted. Bullshit be gone.

Change and transformation really can happen in an instant.

I’m now revitalized and excited about exposing and nurturing the overarching, all-encompassing latent dreams I've been harbouring.

Of intimacy, partnership, family, and service that have been consistently hidden or postponed in favour of the familiar ‘way’ that I’d let myself become accustomed to as the irreversible norm.

Now, a new truth is born.

I’m offering a conversation, a check-in, or a conflict curiosity call if you like which, depending on your appetite for progress and change, may lead to a complimentary no-charge no-obligation New Year Alchemy Session with me on a first-come-first-served basis.

Our time together in-person or online will provide a safe space to focus on what's alive for you now in your life, relationships, health, money, work, projects, or business that needs some loving attention.

Whether that's a situation to navigate, a problem to solve, a conflict to resolve, or a dream to realise the purpose of the session is to help you move toward your desired outcome without the tangled mess of unnecessary delay and inner wrangling.

My intention is to bring my thirty-plus years of life, creativity, business, and ’otherworldly non-ordinary' shamanic experience of seeking Peace, finding Love, and cultivating Clarity to bear in my local neighbourhood and to those in my wider online community.

Should this appeal click the link below.


Book â–¶ Your 30 Minute 'Conflict' Curiosity Call

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

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Here's the link to my Flowcastingâ„¢ BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation