Subject: 🦅 And like a thunderbolt, he falls.

When I was a young boy I was shy. Painfully so that it made me really quite anxious. Mum suggested I take elocution lessons after school...

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;

Close to the sun in lonely lands,

Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;

He watches from his mountain walls,

And like a thunderbolt, he falls.

The Eagle by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

When I was a young boy I was shy. Painfully so that it made me really quite anxious. Mum suggested I take elocution lessons after school.

Developing the confidence and voice projection to recite this purposefully short poem unfalteringly with the requisite gravitas to stand firm, holding the silence, in the final pause, was my extracurricular charge.

Did I eventually get my prey? Well, that's for me to know...

They come to me, quite unexpectedly, these evocative stanzas I learned verbatim some forty or more long and short years ago.

Not surprisingly they remind me of the eagle's watchful bigger picture eye, from a high. Poised and ready to swoop down fast into the day-to-day detail of catching a meal of slimy eel. As if it was his last.

Ahhh, the tumultuous trials and tribulations of trying to consistently put food on my table, keeping a roof over my head, all the while working diligently to realise my seemingly ever-changing and evolving vision.

The silent struggle to maintain grounded, poised, ready, eager, as an eagle, to take advantage of the opportunistic moment when it arises is a superpower in the making. Could it be that it is crafted entirely in the Crucible Club of everlasting entrepreneurial enterprise? I wonder.

The ups, downs, swoops, loops of The Eagle also remind me of my constant battle with personal money and business finance. Specifically with budgeting and cash flow. The bane of my life for twenty years.

But now enough is enough.

I am The Eagle. And you can be too.

  • Are you a creative, expat, or nomadic entrepreneur struggling to make sense of your regular and irregular incomings and outgoings?

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed when you try to budget and plan your spending for the coming weeks, months, and years ahead?

  • Do you find it difficult to know where you stand financially now, and your short, medium, or long-term money future?

  • Is cash-flowing and forecasting your multiple streams of incomes and expenses driving, or dare I say, diving 😜 you crazy?

Over the next ten days, I’m offering just ten individual bespoke personalised 1-2-1 practical personal money and business finance private sessions (online or offline depending on where you are).

Why? So we can grasp the nettle together and create an automated rolling budget and cash flow forecast for your life and business that’s customised to your unique needs in time for the New Year.

Flowcasticâ„¢ CLARITY 1-2-1

A Personalised Practical Personal Money + Business Finance Automated Wealth Plan, Budgeting, and Cash Flow Preparation Session

Finally grasp the bigger picture and day-to-day detail of your current and incoming financial situation for consistent worry-free peace of mind.

For only $299 + VAT where applicable (3 sessions available @33% OFF for bay family, you know who you are, arranged by DM) you'll receive:

  • A 1-2 hour private training + coaching + practical session with me to prepare your 2022 budget, cash flow, and financial goal plan.

  • The finished automated rolling budget and cash flow forecast we create together for you and your business in the session.

  • Full access to my Flowcastingâ„¢ PERSONAL (aka NOMAD SABBATICAL) + BUSINESS Flowcasticâ„¢ comprehensive packages.

  • Flowcastâ„¢ SUPER-TOOL Xtra + BUDGETEER Training + Complete MONEY MATTERS Mindset Mapping Course (5 hours + of video)

  • Tools and training to quickly and easily tweak and adjust your wealth plan, budget, and cash flow forecast should you want to.

  • The uncommon ability to see(r) your money future clearly today so that you can change it now for a better tomorrow.

Please note that some preparation will be required of you prior to your session. Details will follow after signup and payment are received.

Session length will be determined by the intricacies of your situation.

Your session will be absolutely strictly private and confidential.

Please be aware I’m only making space for ten sessions (only 3 @ @33% OFF for bay family arranged by DM) over the next ten days.

Click below to book, grab me in person, or DM me any questions.

BTW if you prefer to pay by crypto that can be arranged.

Love, Richard.

P.S. We can creatively execute any and all aspects of your Transformation Business so you're free to focus on your craft.

Hit reply to discuss your project, purpose, passion, or problem.

Check out how we can help you get where you want to go.

On demand strategic and tactical guidance and support.

Here's the link to my Flowcastingâ„¢ BEGINNER Money Kit

Richard Conner

Author • Architect • Artist

Transforming the Business of Transformation