Subject: (news) The Traffic Player hits CB #1 and EVP is a Dinasour - here's why

Hi everyone,

It just a few days, The Traffic Player hit
#1 on e-marketing, video marketing
category, beating other video main players.

It is amazing that this is just a little plugin,
and yet so popular....

Why? Because it is super, duper, cool. It really is
that simple.

If you own a wordpress blog, this is a must in my

Okay, now for some more cool information.

If you so happen to own the dinasour Easy Video Player,
I have just brought support on how to use The Traffic Player
with EVP.

Now, you can wrap your skins around EVP, and what
is more cool, my plugin will auto detect the EVP video

Watch the video to see....

FYI - The Traffic Player WP Edition is just a small component
of The Traffic Player suite of tools coming your way.

I am coming out with something in the next week
that will blow your mind. It will make any other video
marketing tool look like a dinasour.

But really, if you have a wp blog, the Traffic Player WP Edition
is really, really powerful and effective.

And I'm adding some killer graphical skins this week to it.

You want to get in now, because the price is going up.

This is not a scarcity tactic.

Chat soon,
