Subject: a true story that is pure rubbish

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to tell you that the price
is going up Sunday at midnight, EST, for
The Traffic Player WP Edition....

Have your viewers captivated with The Traffic
Player WP Edition.

Why am I increasing the price?

Because I am adding more features as
this continues to be the CB #1 Best Seller
for Video Marketing category...

Hey Mark,

I've been using the traffic player on my website
and my sales have almost doubled. It's crazy one
little aesthetic change could have such an impact on
my review site.

Thanks so much!

Adil Amarsi

And you ain't seen nothing yet... :)

Isn't it great to buy something, and the
developer just keeps on improving it again
and again, and again.

True story - not to long ago, I purchased
a video player, the full version. A few months
later the product owner says he is coming out
with an upgrade and it was for another
fee.... And get this...the cost for the upgrade was just
as high as the full version I originally purchased.

Rubbish if you ask me...

With The Traffic Player WP Edition you will get
all future upgrades when you order right now.

Yours in knowledge,
