Subject: You can do so much more with email... (time sensitive)

Have you grabbed your HALF PRICE copy of the "List Fortune Formula" yet?

Don't miss out - Right now (and for this weekend only) you can pick up the course along with a 100% free copy of our Content Retargeter plugin for half price

But first let me fully breakdown what the "List Fortune Formula" is all about and why you don't want to miss out on this special deal...

Inside you'll discover my time tested system for using email mini-courses to promote products (your own or affiliate products), growing your list and making money.

You can build these up as a standalone business model which a lot of students have done before, or it might be something you add to your current online business to create new revenue streams. 

It's an incredibly powerful strategy and once set up you'll have a collection of independent profit streams generating evergreen income for you 24/7 and on all complete autopilot.

It's also one of the only business models you can set up and walk away from that will still be generating revenue for you hands-free in a year or even two or more years from now!

Here's a quick summary of how it works:

You set up a subscription page (also known as "landing page," "opt-in page" or "squeeze page") that entices your prospects to join your mailing list.

Once your prospect has subscribed, they'll receive a five-part mini course. These emails will accomplish two things:
  1. Provide good content. This helps build trust with your subscribers. And building a good, trusting relationship helps you accomplish the second goal...

  2. Promote paid products and services. Yes, this is where you make money. You can promote either your own products and services or you can promote affiliate offers.
Not only will you learn how to provide good content and promote products in your initial five-part email, you'll also learn how to keep the cash rolling in long after the mini course is over.

Because, you see, you're building an asset - a mailing list - that will pay you over and over again if you nurture it. (And your goal is to promote a variety of products to your list once your initial mini course is complete.)

You get a complete blueprint, everything step-by-step
to ensure you get up and running quickly.

There are four modules in the course:

Module #1: Layout
- In this module you'll learn the actual steps of how to create a high-converting opt-in page.
  • How to choose profitable niches.
  • How to pick the right products to sell via email.
  • How to set up the backend infrastructure.
  • How to create your lead capture pages.

Module #2: Information
- This is where you'll learn how to create a high-converting, five-part email course.
  • How to decide what to write about.
  • How to create subject lines that get opens.
  • How to create engaging content readers love.

(Plus+ A full set of example emails around which you may model your own mini course!)

Module #3: Strategy
- In this module you'll find out how to convert your prospects into customers, both now (during your five-part course) and later on when you create content for the coming weeks and months.

Conversion: Here you'll discover my '7 Maxims for Money-Making Mini Courses', which is where you'll discover how to push all the right buttons to get your subscribers to buy NOW.

Creation: How to create additional content - in the form of newsletters, various types of articles, links to resources, invitations, solo ads and more - to build a relationship with your subscribers while promoting additional products.

Module #4: Traffic
- This is where you learn how to get targeted visitors to your opt-in page so that you can start building your list… and your bank account!

  • Being a guest blogger. This one is powerful, especially when you provide guest content on busy, popular blogs!

  • Interacting on forums. Your prospects are already hanging out on forums, so this is a great way to reach them!

  • Writing articles. You already know how to write great articles. Now you can build your subscriber base by distributing these articles around the web!

  • Commenting on Facebook. That's right, you comment on niche-related Pages and Groups... and enjoy the viral effect!

  • Partnering with others. Some people already have existing newsletter lists, busy blogs, forums and other platforms and resources - and you can leverage their resources by partnering with these people.

As you can see, there's no guesswork involved, this training works if you're just getting started or if you're a grizzled old net vet like me - And it's why the List Fortune Formula has been one of our best selling courses for the last 2 years.

(offer ends Sunday at Midnight)

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S. Remember this isn’t some 'scheme' that puts money in your pocket today and leaves you scrambling next month to pay the bills...

...  This is a complete business blueprint that you can use for years to come!

It might just be the plan that's finally going to pull it all together for you - So why not try it now and take advantage of the half price deal

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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