Subject: Stop agonizing over your next headline...

You already know it's tough to convince your visitors to grab their credit card, raise their hand and hit the buy button on your sales pages...

... And it's the same thing when it comes to landing pages, funnel pages, even recruiting JV partners and affiliates.

But here's the thing...

Simply sending more and more traffic isn't always the solution

You see, I've found that most businesses I've worked with on a one to one basis didn't have a traffic problem they had a 'conversion problem'

And that "conversion problem" is one mean S.O.B. because when you're constantly tweaking your pages (and getting no better results) then all that time is lost and all the other things you need to do in your business just get stacked up behind it.

But there is a better way... And this is it:

Look I really do get it: Poor conversions are frustrating and trying to fix what's broken all on your own and without any help slows every other process in your business down to a crawl.

Use my copy to boost your conversions without the frustration!

"Copy Swipe Box" is a ready to use collection of proven headlines, call to actions, guarantees and more that will instantly lift conversions.

I've tried/tested, tweaked and fine tuned them ALL FOR YOU FIRST!

"Stop agonizing over your next headline, increase your sales rates, boost opt-ins and ultimately stick more more money in your bank account!"

Now... there's no doubt I could type a dozen more paragraphs here explaining why YOU NEED THIS but as you’ve read this far, you most likely already know how much it's going to help...

So let's not waste any more time... Grab your copy now

And even better, you'll get EXTRA bonuses on top :-)
  • Get my new "Sales Copy & Conversion" strategies manual
  • Get 6 Copywriting Power Print-Outables PDF A4 Posters
(both are great for having by your PC whenever your writing up your pages)

Plus right now and because I think it'll help you even more, there's 50% off (but you need to beat the countdown)

(you'll save $20 off the regular $40 price)

To Your Success!
Simon Hodgkinson

Remember, You can keep doing what you're doing and get the same results. Or you can say "yes" to success by grabbing your copy now. 

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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