Subject: Start Your Own Profitable PLR Business - (New Weekend Deal)

If you're interested in creating & selling your own brand new, profitable private label products in less than 2 weeks from today listen up...

This weekend's special deal is for half price access to our all time best selling "Private Label Pro" home study course and inside you'll discover how to create a private label rights (PLR) article pack that you can sell to other marketers for fast and easy profits.

The goal is for you to actually create the product, set up your site and start promoting it for a profit - all in less than two weeks 

(even if you've never created a product before in your life!)

How is this possible?

Because the course comes with step-by-step, daily action plans THAT WORK! -- I'll tell you exactly what to do each day to get your business up and running.

Put Yourself at the TOP of the Lucrative PLR Food Chain by Creating High-Quality, In-Demand PLR Content That Sells Like Crazy!

At the checkout use the coupon code: CUSTOMER50

Just look at what you get:

10 step-by-step daily modules teaching you how to create and promote your own PLR article package. These lessons are easy to read, easy to understand and super easy to apply!

Daily action steps and assignments so that you have your own PLR product ready to sell in less than two weeks


15 templates you can use to quickly and easily create your article titles - no thinking required!

A complete, "no brainwork required" sales letter template. Yes, you get to swipe it and use it to sell your own PLR articles!

You'll discover a simple two-step process for getting JV partners - you'll even get a JV proposal template to swipe and use for yourself!


And YES there are bonuses on top too...

Over the last few years I've sold over $1 Million dollars worth of licensed content, resell rights, master resell rights and private label rights, reseller platforms and much, much more...

During that time I've Identified 11 CRITICAL FACTORS that can almost instantly elevate the value of your PLR products. 

I'll share them ALL with you inside bonus #1 - - I've never broken these elements down like this before and in this special bonus guide we'll look at each factor and how you can use it to your advantage and explode your earnings potential!

And you'll get my 'Killer Content' tips manual... Whether you're already an experienced writer or if you've never typed at a keyboard before the little tips, tricks and content creation strategies you'll find inside this bonus report will save you heaps of time (and money) -

A perfect add-on to the PLR Pro course and something you can refer back to over and over again.

Here are just a few of the tips inside:

The Secrets of Writing Great Content, FAST! - Discover how to churn out content like a Pro writer when you use my 3 speed boosting strategies.

How to Recruit Experts to Create Content for You - Discover how to get experts do all the work FOR FREE and even help you promote the product once it's finished (powerful 3 step strategy)

The course is HUGE so get all the info here: PLR PRO Details

At the checkout use the coupon code: CUSTOMER50

If you've struggled to start a profitable business on your own, then you'll want to order right now and make it happen! 

Opportunity is knocking - answer the door by taking action today!

But hurry...

After Monday the PLR Pro course will be coming off the market.

I'll be taking a few months to expand the course further, update and tweak a few things and introduce some additional case studies, all in advance of a V2 version that will be released sometime in Spring 2017.

This is your chance to get it now before it comes off the market and at half price when you use your discount code before Midnight Monday -

After that it's gone - and it won't be back for months (and then it will be with a new much higher price tag as I've decided that this course is worth 10X more than it currently sells for) -

With the new material it'll likely cost at least double but probably triple the current low price

Don't worry... All DigitalWebRocket clients receive lifetime free updates and complimentary access to all new or updated versions of our courses so when V2 arrives in the spring you'll not have to pay more or buy again to get updates and any new extras or add-ons when it comes back online :)

But why wait? - Invest now, you'll pay less than all future buyers and you can use your weekend discount too >> PLR PRO - CLICK HERE

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S. If you've ever watched on in envy while other marketers make bank selling reseller and PLR products, then right about now your eyes should be lighting up as you realize what I'm offering you here.

Yes, you're going to finally have your own product(s).

And yes, you're going to have your very own profitable business selling PLR content!  

Take advantage of this awesome deal and get started today... 
remember to use the code CUSTOMER50 before midnight Monday 

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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