Subject: Shocking Truth About Affiliate Marketing...

Latest News Update From
​Essential reading for anyone promoting affiliate offers...

Over the past 12 months we've promoted 300+ products and services, we've tracked 593,000 visitors, made over 50,000 sales and racked up a staggering $1,133,364 in net commissions.

>> This is the result of all those 'tests'
(video shows how to get conversions 5x higher than average affiliates)

We've promoted everything from marketing software and e-products to monthly food subscriptions and kids toys and irrespective of the product promoted there's one key ingredient that takes average conversions to HUGE conversions.

It's... Adding Value (offering bonuses)

But there's a whole heap of problems doing this on a regular basis and we had to develop a way to make it easy and to simplify the process.

It took us 12 months and the end result is beyond our wildest dreams.

>> It's called Commission Gorilla 

You see, building out promotion or pre-sell pages is massively time consuming and if you lack good design skills then it's totally ineffective.

Most affiliates don't bother or try and give up because it's simply too much work. They're making a HUGE MISTAKE

And when I say HUGE I mean abso-freakin-lutely HUGE

If you are promoting affiliate offers like everyone else you're never going to make more than the average affiliate (and that's not much)

But get this...

A killer promotion page along with incentives to buy (bonuses, added extras or freebies) can put FIVE TIMES more money in your pocket from the same amount of traffic.

We've tested it THOUSANDS of times

Commission Gorilla is a new web app that makes putting this strategy to work EASY. Like drag and drop easy and it's the smartest way to start rolling out affiliate promotion offer and delivery pages.


When we first talked to JV partners about it they all thought the same.

"Oh it's a bonus page builder"

Hell No!.. This software has so many little secrets it's crazy

>> Watch the demo video here

It comes with a built in library to store your bonuses, you can simply click to add them to pages, recycle bonuses, tweak them on the fly and while your building out a promotion page the software is automatically building out your delivery page!

It has built in stats and page cloning so you can replicate a top performing page in seconds, change a little text with the WYSIWYG editor change out your affiliate links, switch around your bonuses (from the library) and promote another offer... IN MINUTES!

In the Pro version you get countdown timers (with some really clever technology behind them), exit popups and redirects, attention bars and more...

... And if you grab an 'Early Adopter' account it's all yours along with free page hosting and lifetime access (with no monthly fees or rebills and tons more)

If you promote other people's products, if you want to STOMP the launch leader-boards and turn a trickle into a commission flood (without going crazy or working 24 hours a day) then you owe it to yourself to check Commission Gorilla out > Early Adopter Link 

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S. Lifetime accounts will only be around a few more days, so check this out now so you don’t kick yourself later

P.P.S. If you'd like to promote Commission Gorilla then built right inside the software is a ready made promotion page packed full of bonuses and all ready to go!

Just login, add your affiliate link into the settings panel and your ready to promote (no uploading, set up or anything required). Sales are coming in like crazy right now and you could cover your investment in the software in the next hour :-)

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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