Subject: One of my favorite ways to create sales...

One of the absolute best ways to turn a cold prospect into a cash-paying customer is by offering them a freemium.

DEFINITION: In case you're not familiar with the word, a "freemium" is a premium product or service offered for free as a way to promote a paid offer.
  • Example: you might offer a "lite" version of your software for free, and then charge a premium for the full-featured/Pro version.
  • Example: you might offer a 15 minute free consultations as a way to sell your month-long coaching offer.
Now, the reason why freemiums work so well is because you benefit in two ways when you offer freemiums to your prospects:
  1. You get an email address (most of the time) in exchange for the freemium. And that means you can follow up with your prospects repeatedly to sell the paid offer on the backend, as well as promote related offers (Refer to the "Email Sequence" module I talked about a few days ago).

  2. Prospects get to see first-hand what sort of value you offer. Once your prospects "sample" your freemium, they're sure to like what they see - which means selling them on your paid product just became a whole lot easier.
So what kinds of freemiums can you offer to build your mailing list and start closing more sales?

There are LOTS... In fact, as part of the Partner Traffic Blueprint course I've included a bonus module that breaks down 25 kinds of freemium ideas for you.

Get started today, grab your copy of Partner Traffic Blueprints from the link below

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S. You’ll never run out of freemium ideas when you have this amazing list at your fingertips!  Grab this extra bonus module now

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