Subject: It's still just $1 (not for much longer)

Right now you can still grab a copy of 'The Most Expensive Ebook You'll Ever Buy' (yes that really is the title) for just $1

And yes ONLY after you have read it and only after you have got to the very last page can you pay the balance (no strings, no upfront agreements, you only pay the balance IF you want too)


However there's a reason why OVER 70% OF READERS PAY THE BALANCE

What is it?  (sorry... You'll only ever get to know and get your chance to join them, if you pony up your dollar and you need to be quick because this experiment will end in the next few days!)

So what's the book about and why the heck am I doing this?

Well "The Most Expensive Ebook You'll Ever Buy!" is by far the most plain talking, hard hitting thing we've ever released - 

For some buyers just the opening few chapters (which have a LOT of tough love in them) has been enough to make them feel like they've been punched in the gut - Learning how stupid/misguided or yes tricked they've been is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow.

But this book is opening eyes and changing people's lives!

And that is the whole point - there will be ZERO doubt in your mind what you need to do to change things round, stack the deck in your favor and start winning BIG in the new year...

... So if you are sick of the B.S. in the Internet Marketing industry and need a breath of fresh air. Spend your dollar now 

And if you are ready to create a rock solid and real six figure ($100k+) online empire and have buyers lining up at your virtual door, so eager to hand over their cash you'll need a truck to bring it home from the bank then GREAT!

It's absolutely ESSENTIAL you read this book (and discover why it's the most expensive ebook you'll ever buy)  >>  Go grab it here

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

Don't confuse this with most of the stuff you'll find out there about 'making money online' it's generally pure garbage. Often times, it's created by people who have never made much money online themselves, much less teaching others how to do it.

I am not one of those people. I've built several 7 figure online businesses, I've sold more books, reports, information products, memberships, software tools, coaching programs than probably any other marketer you know and I've been doing it for the last 15 years online.

This book is not a 'Magic Button' there are no 'point and click' ways to success... and if you decide to read it and follow my advice understand that you are going to be busy in 2017... 

I'm going to make you work like you wouldn't think possible... You'll EARN the incredible lifestyle this brings, but it works - I think you'll find it works like nothing you've tried before

You've just got to decide right now if it's worth spending that dollar to see if you agree with me :-)

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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