Subject: How To Make 7 Figures With Just Emails...

Let's face it... Your prospects are tired of email. They guard their addresses like a hungry pit bull guards a juicy steak. Their inbox is overflowing, their time is short, and so they trash dozens of emails daily without even looking at them.

Sorry but most of your emails are probably sitting in their trash folders right now.

How much does that suck?

As an email marketer you #1 priority is for you to get people to open your emails. Then you need to get them read your messages and finally to click on the links and buy what you’re selling or promoting.

50% OFF This Weekend Only

Until Sunday at Midnight (EST) I'm offering my supercharged 'Inbox Economics' course and tool kit with a whopping 50% discount as a special thanks to you for taking the time to open and read my emails.

Visit This Page, Add Inbox Economics to your cart and at checkout use the coupon code CUSTOMER50 and you'll save 50% of the public price.

Here's What's Included:

Email Profits Rule Book:  This is the “meat and potatoes” part of the course where I will show you how to get others to open and read your emails.

  • You’ll find out how to create the type of newsletter that everyone wants to subscribe to and everyone can’t wait to read!
  • We’ll dissect the 7 essential parts of a sales email to make it easy for you to create your own high-response emails – this surefire formula works no matter who’s on your list and no matter what you’re selling!
  • You’ll find out which 2 components every subject line must have – if you don’t include at least one of these components, your emails won’t get opened. Period.
And much more


My 'Starters' Swipe File - Just copy and paste into your emails and you’ll be amazed at how these 75 email openers will engage your audience!

My 'Promos' Swipe File - You'll get everything with these fill in the blanks, promos, reminders & announcements in this complete 50 email set.

My 'Promos' Ideas Lab - Keep subscribers excited & attentive with 52 promo offer ideas (with examples to get your creative juices flowing!)

Instant Follow Up Pack - 5 fill-in-the-blanks templates to add to your autoresponder series, to build trust with subscribers, and close sales...

Pro Mailer's Toolkit - Resources to boost your $$$'s along with a special "money report" that lists 6 exciting ways to earn with your list..

Don't Waste Another Second...  Everything you need is inside including templates, training, and proven swipe files!

Use just ONE of the resources just ONE time and you are almost certain to recoup your investment in the entire program. If you're serious about email marketing then this is the best resource online - Period!

Remember: Order this weekend (before midnight on Sunday), use your coupon code: CUSTOMER50 and you'll save 50%

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

This is the last time this year I'll be offering this coupon discount so if Inbox Economics sounds like something you need don't miss out, get access now for half price.  Inbox Economics - 50% Off Click Here

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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