Subject: Goodbye 2016...

... Hello (almost) 2017

I'm really looking forward to 2017

... There's lots of new software, web tools and training already in the final stages of development at both and and I've been busy doing what I love doing the most - writing - not just one, but three new books that will all hit the shelves in the coming months.

Busy - Busy - Busy! But that's just how I like it :-)

What about you?
  • Was 2016 a good year?
  • Did you accomplish your goals?
  • Is 2017 looking good/great/incredible?
I genuinely hope so... And as always I look forward to hearing about your successes and accomplishments (the hundreds of emails that come in each year with notes of thanks, testimonials and updates on how we've helped you do more and achieve more, really do get read by me personally and they keep me super motivated)

Now... before I sign off for this year:  Here's a quick and final reminder that our huge '12 days of deals' comes to an end at midnight on December 31st

Did you grab a deal?

There's some huge savings to be made, some killer licensing deals to snap up that could be just what you need to grab some early sales in 2017 along with discounts and bundle deals on some of our best selling marketing tools to help you achieve more over the coming year

So here's wishing you an incredible, healthy and happy, fun filled and super prosperous 2017

See you in the NEW YEAR!
Simon Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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