Subject: Finally! A YouTube Player You'll Love...

YouTube is great... 

...  But for website owners and marketers like us, those standard embedded video players lack some of the essential features we need and adding them 'as is' to your sales pages, landing pages or even your blog posts can look a little unprofessional.

>> Click Here For The Solution

It's called MonkeyPlayr (just gone live today) and if you've recently been tempted to ditch YouTube for a paid video hosting solution like Wistia or Vimeo it's going to save you hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars a year in fees!

You need to see this now - I'm serious... 

For less than the price of a stuff crust cheese pizza, you can secure lifetime access to this awesome software, use it on all of your sites (it works on regular pages and WordPress) and create unlimited players - one time fee, no hosting fees, no racking up excess plays fees - Nothing!

>> See It In Action Here

Grab one of these lifetime 'early adopter' accounts today and you'll have fixed your video playing problems for good.

Just look at what you can do:

-> Start & Stop ANY YouTube Video Where You Want
-> AutoPlay and Loop ANY YouTube Video (or playlist)
-> Remove The YouTube Logo From The Player
-> Disable Controls/InfoBoxes/Annotations

And one of the coolest things "FULLY RESPONSIVE EMBEDS"

This is a big one, until now NOTHING has been available that does this, just choose responsive mode and you can make ANY YouTube video fit wherever you put it. (Great for blogs, even sidebars, awkward spots and perfect for tablet/mobile viewers)

And that doesn't even scratch the surface - I'll keep you updated with more info soon, but for now just grab it because the 'Early Adopter' offer is just insane and you'll kick yourself if you miss out.

>> Monkey Playr - Early Adopter Link

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S. There's an equally low priced offer to upgrade behind the regular version for some PRO features that will literally BLOW YOUR MIND 

(hint: Pro is at the same insane, low price and it's also just a one time payment) until today you would have had to fork out hundreds to get something like this.  >> Save BIG and Secure Your Account Here

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