Subject: Facebook does it. Amazon does it. Google certainly does it.

Content Retargeter - Get The Details
Facebook does it. Amazon does it. Google certainly does it. It’s called “retargeting”, and it’s an incredibly powerful marketing method that helps turn one-time visitors into fans, and fans into buyers.

You’ve probably seen it in action when you return to Amazon after having browsed through the latest kitchen gadgets or bestsellers.

When you visit again, those same items are right there, reminding you to buy.

Customized Messages Keep Your
Site Visitors Interested And Engaged!

For retail sites, retargeting works by showing visitors the products and services they’ve viewed before. By keeping the items buyers are most interested in right in the front of their minds, these subtle reminders are proven to increase sales.

For bloggers, coaches and information product sellers, the goal is different, but no less powerful:
  • Encourage repeat visitors to opt-in to your mailing list.
  • Remind subscribers about a coupon code or other offer.
  • Provide handy links to downloadable guides available only to subscribers.
  • Create special offers and upsells for buyers.
  • Show older, evergreen content to new visitors.
And now content retargeting is no longer just for the big players!

The Content Retargeter plugin for WordPress brings the power of retargeting to your website or blog, giving you unlimited ways to reconnect with your readers and subscribers.

>> Check Content Retargeter Out Here

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

If you decide to get this for your site today, you'll also get access to my 'Blog Profit Riches' and 'Magnetic Blog Content' guides which detail 27 different ways you can generate revenue on your blog!  Grab Your Copy Now

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