Subject: Email Marketing - Webinar Special

Invite To Free Webinar This Thursday!

A Potential 'Game Changer' For Email Marketing...

Under normal circumstances, if you want to hit the "big time" as an email marketer you need to be prepared for a steep learning curve, a ton of work and possibly significant costs.

But... maybe not anymore... 

That's because there's a new, 'push-button' platform that's about to go live this week that takes away pretty much all of the effort in building, growing and profiting as an email marketer - and you can be one of the first to see it!

(You can choose from 4 different times but one word of warning:
There won't be a replay so it's VERY important to attend the live call)

And don't worry this isn't just going to be a showcase / pitch fest because during the webinar you'll learn a proven 5-step system that produces oodles of profit with email - (already taught to over 20,000 paying students)

But honestly, the reason to be there is to see a full LIVE demo of this "Build an Online Business in 60 Minutes (Or Less)" platform.

We've already had a sneak peek and... WOW it's good!

So go ahead and reserve your seat now for Thursday, (April 28th) it's going to be quite a show :-)

To Your Success!
Simon Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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