Subject: Can a chat bot really boost your sales?

On Monday we opened the doors to our brand new chat bot building platform 'Chit Chat Chimp' making 500 spots available for 'Early Adopters' in advance of the public release in March.

If you want to jump the queue: You need to act now!

Get all the info: 

As promised, this week we'll talk about the different ways chat bots can *POWER UP* your business -  Starting today with SALES!

Now as you already know, typical sales conversions fall somewhere between 1% - 5% - That means, even a good day, 95 out of every 100 people who visit your site will leave empty handed.

It sucks! But we've come to expect it - It's a 'norm'... but it doesn't have to be. If you work hard to bring traffic to your site (or pay for the privilege) it's a HUGE waste of time and money.



No matter how good your sales copy, it will never answer every question your prospects have. They'll have lots, all racing round their mind while their mouse finger hovers over your buy button.

The more questions left unanswered, the less likely you'll ever get to see their cash.

SO BUILD A BOT! Answer their questions immediately. End doubts right on the page and remove any resistance to speed your buyers through to a completed sale.

There's an added benefit too: Because your bot saves unanswered questions (and all chat logs) you'll be sitting on a GOLDMINE OF DATA and insight you've never had before. With Chit Chat Chimp you can use this valuable intel to tweak your sales pitch or restructure your offers making them even more attractive.

Check out the 'Sales Bot Beth' example on this page (and yes you could even use your chat bot to give a link direct to your cart page)


Sometimes even the best offers need a little 'something extra' to tip people over the buying line. Set up your chat bot to 'bribe' visitors into buying right now. You can pre-load your bot with questions and answers along with custom greeting messages. So why not set the tone with an incentive?

Train your bot to offer special bonuses, discount coupons, free shipping, two for ones, extended guarantees, trials or other perks that you know will encourage visitors to take action right there and then.

If you leave visitors to go away and 'think things over' then most likely you've already lost the sale. And a chat bot is the PERFECT way to implement this tactic making the visitor feel special and rewarded.

Using a chat bot also works better than just offering a perk somewhere on your page where it will be easily missed. It certainly doesn't feel like an 'extra' to your visitor because everyone gets it. 

When it's offered by a bot it feels real and special in the same way when a salesman adds something extra to 'sweeten a deal' for you in person.

Try both of these ideas out today and we guarantee you'll see immediate positive results.

Go build a sales bot and ramp up your conversions right now. 

You can add bots to any kind of page including Shopify stores, WordPress sites (great for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads) and they work equally well with mobile too :-)

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

In fact there's lot's more... Behind our main bot building platform offer there is a 'Pro Pack' add-on (it costs $97 one time during the early adopter phase but will likely double and go to recurring billing once we go public).

This comes with even more cool conversion boosting extras - Things like 'Exit Intent' and 'Engagement Activated' bot triggers designed to maximize conversions to the limit!

Read more about those and claim your second round of extra 'early adopter' savings once you've SECURED YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT RIGHT HERE 

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