I just saw maybe the smartest affiliate software I've ever seen!..
... Then 2 minutes later I saw an even better affiliate software
And then another FOUR software tools that are even better!
(You need to check that out right away because it's an INSANE deal!)
But first a little back story... Have you heard of a guy called "Chris X"?
He's "old school" and has been marketing online since 2006. (We first met at a private marketers mastermind about 8 years on a crazy boat trip where everyone got seasick off the coast of Spain but that's a whole different story)
Well even back then he was already making a killing as an affiliate marketer (he's made millions of dollars promoting products on Amazon, JVZoo, ClickBank and everywhere else in between)...
... But over the last 4 months Chris has decided to focus his ENTIRE business on affiliate marketing. And it's why he spent over $10,000 building SIX of the most incredible affiliate software tools I've ever seen:
Rapid Video Ranker Creates videos that rank on Google & YouTube in SECONDS
King of the Zon Finds 200 "top-secret", high-commission Amazon products every 24 hours
Launch Pulse Finds the most profitable launches happening on JVZoo, ClickBank & WarriorPlus in the next 30 days (with low Google & YouTube competition)
CB 250 Identifies the top-selling ClickBank affiliate programs, across 50 different niches,.. updated every day!
King Of The Zoo Discover the most profitable, $10,000 a day JVZoo affiliate programs in seconds
1 Click Affiliate Creates affiliate campaigns in seconds. Better, faster & easier than any other software out there.
Even better he's sharing them with you at the craziest price you can imagine - You need to check these SIX tools out to see what the hype is all about
To Your Success Simon Hodgkinson
P.S. The price for all 6 tools + training and more is only $7 right now. It's a STEAL.
But it's going to INCREASE very soon.
So you'll have to hit that link and make a decision before the timer runs out...