Subject: 7 Ways To Profit From Giveaway Reports...

How To Turn 'Freemiums' (ie: Free Reports) Into Money In The Bank?

In other words, how can you make money by giving something away for free?

The answer: by promoting a related product or service to everyone who takes advantage of your lead-magnet offer.

For example, if you’re giving away a checklist as a lead magnet, then on the backend you might sell a course that gives buyers the step-by-step instructions for completing each step of the checklist.

Pretty slick, right? (This tactic it's one of the easiest ways to make money online.)


Now what surprises a lot of people is that there are multiple ways to advertise your paid offer.

Check Out These 7 Ways To Make Money With A Lead Magnet...
  • Promote a paid offer in the beginning of your lead magnet.
  • Add a call to action button at the end of your lead magnet.
  • Create a resource page in your lead magnet with multiple offers.
  • Advertise an offer on your lead-magnet download page.
  • Put your offer on your mailing list thank-you/confirmation page.
  • Send the offer in the intro email to your newly subscribed prospects.
  • Promote the offer in follow-up emails.
TIP: Don’t choose just one place to promote your paid offer. Put it multiple places, and you’ll get better conversion rates (hence why reports typically work better, because you have multiple insertion spots and opportunities to promote multiple offers).

Now I’m going to share a little secret with you that most people totally overlook—are you missing this opportunity too?

Most free reports I see folks giving away just aren't that attractive to potential subscribers/buyers. :-(

If you are considering making money by giving stuff away, your goal should be minimal resistance, that means you need the best opt-in conversions right at the top of your funnel

So if you want your lead magnet or freemium to work double time for you, then create something that your prospects really, really want - Info they would pay for upfront, so it becomes a 'no brainer' to get it for free from you

First: Take a look at these 12 lead magnets as an example


Attention-grabbing titles get people to take notice and take action – and the high quality content impresses the heck out of them!

The topics are appealing, the content is current – this is exactly the sort of stuff your prospects and customers are desperate to get their hands on!

Each lead magnet is the ideal length of 7-11 pages. That’s meaty enough to be useful, but not so much that it gathers virtual dust on their hard drive, or so comprehensive that they don’t need to buy your paid offers!

These kinds of lead magnet are the ideal way to promote your favorite backend offer of choice. Each topic appeals to a big audience and because they have universal appeal you can give them away to:
  • Online marketers
  • Bloggers
  • Small business owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Authors
  • Speakers
  • Affiliates
  • Product vendors
And more! Anyone who serves the make-money-online industry will LOVE these types of topic. And you’ll have dozens of opportunities to monetize them.
  • You can create multiple lead magnets to promote one offer. 
  • You can create one lead magnet to promote multiple offers.
It doesn’t matter what you’re promoting, your lead magnet will be the best sales tool in your toolbox. Done right and they will be the best sales person on your entire staff working for you 24/7 to make sales.

You can use your lead magnets to promote:
  • Digital products.
  • Online services.
  • Memberships.
  • Software and apps.
  • Physical products.
  • Offline services.
  • Workshops.
  • Drop shipping offers.
  • Free offers.
  • Affiliate offers.
  • Coaching and counseling.
  • Subscriptions.
And whatever else you want to promote. Literally anything. Your lead magnets are not only your best sales tool, they’re also super-versatile.

So get to work...

Get started giving away stuff and put yourself on the fast track to making easier sales!

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

Want to use my lead magnets as yours? - Get the 12 above with full editorial rights (rebrand/add links and name in them)>> Use My Lead Magnets - Click Here

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