Subject: 215% Boost in Sales from Just One Simple Tweak...

Split testing is all about increasing your profits.

When you use the right tool and strategy, split testing is the ultimate way to boost your profits without struggling to get more traffic and without spending a single cent more in advertising.

It's like giving yourself an instant pay raise 
(and it's a whole lot easier than you think!)

For example: We just tested THREE different headlines on one of our sales pages, the winning headline converted visitors to sales at 6.76% vs. the original (control) headline was converting at just 3.15%.

It only took us a few minutes to set up the test using Split Test Monkey.

We used the cool 'Auto Optimizer' feature that put everything else on full autopilot!

That's a 215% boost in sales (doubled sales) with zero extra traffic, nothing changed with the product, just a simple headline switch - pretty crazy right?

The truth is you don't need to be constantly trying to figure out the latest Google, Facebook, YouTube (insert site here) 'loophole', hack or secret traffic system... You can save a lot of time and money by testing and getting more of your existing visitors to click the buy button (rather than leave your pages empty handed).

Then by all means, once your pages are optimized go turn on the traffic machines.

And INCREASING SALES is just one of the cool things that
happens when you start split testing on a regular basis.

Here's what else you can do:

Boost funnel conversions: 
When you start testing your offers, ad campaigns and products, you're not just boosting single-page conversions – instead, you can boost conversions across your entire funnel.

That means you lift the lifetime value of your customers, which puts more money in your pocket over the long term, not to mention you'll be turning your business into an affiliate and JV partner magnet.

Increase opt-ins: 
Need a bigger list? Then testing is essential. Just a few simple tweaks can take a poor converting lead page from a 5% conversion to 10%, 20%, 35% or more!

Think about how much faster you could build your list if you doubled your conversion rate or more?

Build your brand and authority: 
When you figure out what people respond to, you can get them to click on and read more of your content. In turn, this builds your brand and authority in the niche.

And when you build your brand and authority, you effortlessly build top of mind awareness and start generating more sales. Pretty slick, right?

Get more clicks: 
No matter what you're doing online, you need more clicks. With testing you can get more clicks on your videos, on your webinar registration pages, on your contest pages, on your forms, on your
blog articles, on your social media pages and more.

More clicks = more traffic = more revenue.

Reduce management costs: 
Simply put, testing improves efficiency across the board, which reduces your costs.

Develop a better understanding of your customers: 
 You want to get inside your customers' heads? Then use testing to find out what they REALLY respond to. (Over time, this will help you create more targeted content and campaigns with naturally higher conversions.)

Higher profit margins and ROI: 
When you test your ad campaigns, you increase your return on investment. That means you get more traffic, sales and revenue for every dollar you invest in advertising.


More of everything: More traffic, more leads, more opt-ins,
more sales, more customers... and more revenue!

So how can you start boosting your profits while getting rid of the hassle and headache factor of testing?

That's what Split Test Monkey is all about!

And if you jump in now you'll get:

- Unlimited Split Tests
- Unlimited Visitors
- ZERO Monthly Fees
- Built In Reporting
- Set & Forget Testing
- Early Adopter Pricing
- Fast Action Bonuses Included
- VIP Level Support
- All Future Updates Included

And save 20% when you use the early adopter coupon code [LAUNCHMONKEY]

NOTE: This is a private, early release just for our customers and subscribers, the software launches officially on November 1st, so you get an entire month's head start on everyone else. 

The above coupon expires in the next few hours, don't delay - Start Testing Today

To Your Success!
Simon Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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