Subject: “I Can't Believe This Actually Worked For Me”

“I Can't Believe This Actually Worked For Me”

February 3rd, 2021 at 3:32 pm MST

We hear this all the time... I’ll admit, that sounds like a line from a cheesy romance novel... But that’s a real quote from an attendee of our last Business Launch Challenge. Imagine if you got an entire online biz up and running in just 2 da ...

“14 Leads In 24 hours...” work for you?

February 2nd, 2021 at 6:30 pm MST

This work for you? “Can’t believe that I got leads!!! In 2 days I went from NOTHING to having leads?? WHATTTTT?”. Kshitiz K. That’s a real comment from a real client who attended our last Business Launch Challenge »  And there’s hundre ...

This Works Better Every Time

February 1st, 2021 at 4:14 pm MST

Let’s be honest...  There’s tons of content all over the internet that will “teach” you how to build a funnel or start an online biz...  And there’s plenty of people ready to rope you into an opportunity that’ll have you spamming your ...

Success OVERNIGHT!? (must see)

January 29th, 2021 at 5:43 pm MST

Back when I got started online in 2017, it was rough. I almost quit a few times. I was pulling my friggin' hair out trying to connect all the dots. The tech.. the ad copywriting.. navigating through a minefield of social media rules and regulations.. ...

Keep This With You 👍

January 28th, 2021 at 5:55 pm MST

Here's a quick biz tip I learned a while back that continues to hold true... People will buy from you when they believe you have a solution that can make their life better... ...and the best way to prove that to them is to actually make their lives b ...

Do What You Love 💚 - Get The Cheese

January 27th, 2021 at 3:22 pm MST

Do you have a skill, hobby or passion that you absolutely love? Maybe you can turn a serious plumbing wrench? Maybe it's cabinetry, cooking, dog training, parenting, RC cars?..the list is endless. Maybe you can help solve someone else's problem and i ...

New Affiliate Activity Growth Continues 🏆

January 26th, 2021 at 2:17 pm MST

Hey my friend, In normal years past, estimates have pointed to affiliate industry growth at about 10% year over year. It's held steady there for the past decade or so. Last year's projected growth over 2019 was pegged at a steady 8%. Pretty normal st ...

Most Quit For This Reason (Maybe You?) 🤔

January 25th, 2021 at 6:22 pm MST

Most successful businesses are built on ONE thing...and it’s not the right idea, talent, or timing. It’s FAILURE. Success comes down to knowing that 90% of things you try won't work... but by failing faster you will eventually reach the 10% tha ...

It took how long? (look inside)...

January 24th, 2021 at 6:23 pm MST

8 freakin’ years.  That’s how long it took to make this happen. When Keala first got started online in 2012, this would’ve been impossible.  There was just no way back then.  The tech was too clunky.  Confusion was inevitable.  And, ...

First One Ever in 48 Hours (Update)

January 23rd, 2021 at 5:26 pm MST

What if Fullstaq could show you how to get leads (and possibly even your first sale) in less than 48 hours?! In fact, what if rather than showing you… they just held your hand and helped you do it?! Yes, it’s possible.  And if you like the so ...