Subject: steal from the rich and famous?

This might sound a little weird but…

What if you could ethically steal the “superpowers” of the r*ch and famous?

Hang with me here because I’m serious.

When we look up to someone and put them on a pedestal, what we’re actually saying is...

...“they have this awesome character trait (i.e. power) and I wish I had more of that too”

But what if I told you that you do have that same power you see in others.

You’re just not giving yourself credit for it.

You are brilliant, charismatic, talented, and so much more.

You have a genius inside of you... and here’s how to unlock it »

Anytime I look up to someone, I use this short exercise to “steal” their power and activate it within myself.

You’ll see what I mean when you watch this short youtube video my mentor made for you »

To the top,

- Joe

P.S. Let's get your online business setup in just ONE weekend complete with everything you need.

Secure your seat for the Business Launch Challenge »