Subject: my raw opinion 😲

A true easy button if I've ever seen one...

Hey my friend!

Affiliate Marketing has been a lucrative side-biz for me going on 4 years now.

I owe a lot to Keala and Fullstaq.

They have a way of taking the confusion and bs out of the learning curve and still staying constant on evolving trends at the same time.

Even after 4 years under his wing...he's still a solid dude turning out ridiculous non-stop value.


The world changes quickly these days, so you must make sure you stay in “the know”, which is the reason I'm reaching out.


The Fullstaq crew recently launched something called the Business Launch Challenge.

Where they actually launch a business for you over a weekend.

No b*llsh*t. 


In just 2 and a half days, they set up your very own working online business...


...fill it with proven products...

...and run your ads (on their dime)...

...all while you’ll get leads and possibly even sales in less than 48 hours.


And the best part?

They don't charge you a dime.

What's the catch?

You must do 2 things...

1 Sign up for the 3 tools you'll need to build your sales funnel (all f'ree trials BTW)

2 Show up to the event!

Why would they do this?

Their thinking is this: 

If they can prove that its possible for YOU... may decide your want to work with them further.

That's it really it.


Everything is explained right here  


If you've been struggling to figure out how to put all the pieces together...

...this is going to provide a level of clarity to the process that you may have never experienced before.

You’d better hurry because these events are LIVE online and spots have filled up FAST on the last three events.


- Joe

Fullstaq Mentor