Subject: law of attraction

The truth they don't tell you about...

Is anyone else tired of affirmations, vision boards, and ‘positive thinking’...

...while the bank balance doesn’t move an inch?

Yeah, I was too… until I found what I’m sharing in this email so stick with me here.

Back Story:

What I’m about to share, I learned from one of the speakers in ‘The Secret’.

And when Rhonda Byrne (the author) learned it from him she asked “Why didn’t you teach this in the movie?”

His answer: “I did. Your editors cut it out.”

She then started calling it “The Secret behind The Secret that was left out of The Secret”.

So here it is…

Why You Feel “Out of Alignment”:

As it turns out, all the positive thinking in the world isn’t going to help you hit your goals.

And that’s because most people set goals that aren’t aligned with their values (that’s where ‘out of alignment’ comes from).

Ya see, every single one of us has a set of Values - the things we value most in life to the things we value least in life.

I’m not talking about things like “Honesty, Integrity, or Justice” and all that mumbo jumbo.

Those are social idealisms (topic for another time).

I’m saying that every morning when you wake up, you have things you value doing most, talking about most, and thinking about most.

These things consume your hours, your energy, and your money.

Maybe it’s taking care of the kids.

Maybe it’s building your business.

Maybe it’s a hobby you do for a couple hours in the evening.

I don’t know.

But here’s what I do know…

If I looked at your calendar and your bank statements… I could predict your future in less than 10 minutes.

Because those things expose what your values really are.

Not the stuff you give lip service to.

(I’m getting to the point, hang with me).

For Example:

If I say I want to ‘shed weight’ but you don’t see gym time in my calendar…

...and my bank statements show restaurant and grocery receipts with junk food…

...well, I’m just lying to myself, aren’t I? (ask me how I know, lol).

Sure, I might buy some workout videos, or even join the gym, but I’m not gonna stick with it.

Because I don’t truly value being in shape.

After all, if I did, I already would be.

And all the ‘positive thinking’ and ‘visualizing’ in the world isn’t going to change that.

You see what I mean?

Cardinal Sin:

But most of us do this with our goals.

We say, “I wanna make money” and then we set a goal, we start a program, and we stick with it for a week, a month, maybe even a few months.

But eventually we quit.

Because we don’t have the values needed to stand the test of time.

But if I asked about your children...

You’d probably never quit on them, right?

No matter how hard it got.

Because you value them enough to stand the test of time.

My Dirty Confession:

I learned this the hard way.

I failed for years as a wannabe entrepreneur.

Not because I didn’t try.

I got started a hundred times.

I just quit a hundred and one times.

And all the positive thinking, visualization, and dream boards did absolutely nothing about that.

Until I found this.

So I’m sharing all of this for one reason…

So you know you’re not alone.

And to let you know you can change this habit.

In fact, it’s the first thing we work on with our clients (more about that some other time).

Final Thoughts:

So if you truly want change.

Real change.

The kind that stands the test of time, moves the needle, and unlocks a life you can’t even imagine today.

It starts with changing your values.

Keala dropped an in depth video about that here.

Or check out the book, “The Values Factor” by Dr. John Demartini.

To your success,

- Joe

P.S. Click reply and let me know if you found this helpful.

I know I would have appreciated this info a few years back. Now you know as well, now what are you going to do about it?