Subject: Question Regarding Your TV

How much is too much?

Facebook ad hits my feed today...

"4 questions to ask when buying a TV"

I thought to myself...

Wait...they forgot question #5:

"What am I willing to give up for this?!?"

I'm not talking about the cost of the unit or wall space it will take up...

I'm talkin' about the time you spend in front of it.

What about your dream?

What about improving yourself for your current job?

What about your family?

What about ________? - insert ambition here

You get my point.

Are you willing to give up any or all of that?

It was the inventor of the television, Philo T. Farnsworth's son who later conveyed his late father’s true feelings about his invention.

“There’s nothing on it worthwhile, and we’re not going to watch it in this household, and I don’t want it in your intellectual diet.”

He was most certainly on to something - even back then.

Listen, I’ve heard so many speakers and authors ask the question...

"What are you willing to give up for your dream?"

Now let me ask you the same question in reverse:

What are you willing to give up to watch more TV?

What dream are you willing to stop pursuing?

What goal are you willing to quit on?

For you, it might not be television.

Pick your poison really...

It might be the very device on which you are reading this on.

But when you ask the question this way, I think you begin to realize the absurdity.

You’ll realize quickly what is most important to you.

And I sure hope it’s not that fancy new big screen.

Remember this...

That moolah you seek follows mastery of a skill.

That's something you just can't accomplish with your shiny new 80"...

...unless of course you watch this training on it and begin to take action.

The choice is your and the popcorn's on me. ✌️

- Joe

Fullstaq Mentor

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