Subject: New Affiliate Activity Growth Continues 🏆

Hey my friend,

In "normal" years past, estimates have pointed to affiliate industry growth at about 10% year over year.

It's held steady there for the past decade or so.

Last year's projected growth over 2019 was pegged at a steady 8%.

Pretty normal stuff...

...then enter good 'ol 2020.

You ready for this?

Affiliate growth is up 35% over 2019. 😲

So what changed? Everything...

Current circumstances have literally forced those hesitant to make an online purchase to...

...either do so or be left without.

There has literally never been a better time in history to capitalize on the tidal wave of opportunity in front of those who can see it.

Connect people to product or service they are in the market for anyway.

Then sit back and watch your business grow.

Those that are ready for it will benefit for years to come...

...and those that don't...well...they're left without (again).

Ride the tidal wave 🌊 of opportunity with us here >>


- Joe

Fullstaq Mentor