Subject: Most Quit For This Reason (Maybe You?) 🤔

Most successful businesses are built on ONE thing...and it’s not the right idea, talent, or timing.


Success comes down to knowing that 90% of things you try won't work...

but by "failing faster" you will eventually reach the 10% that actually does.

And the #1 reason why most quit their online business is the same...

...they simply don’t allow themselves to fail enough.

But why is that? Why do we avoid failure like the plague?

Simple...we've been conditioned all through childhood to perceive being right only 10% of the time a big fat F.

Walking around with this engrained in our minds, its no wonder why we will literally do almost anything to avoid failure...

...including giving up on goals and dreams when that 10% of success doesn't show itself fast enough.

That's why the Business Launch Challenge was developed.

It literally takes the pain of failure completely out of the equation.

You literally go from sitting on the sidelines to getting in the game with your own leads and possibly even sales all in 2.5 days without opening your wallet.

Join us on the next Business Launch Challenge here >> 

and let's fail forward faster together. ✌️


- Joe

Fullstaq Mentor