Subject: LAST Call!

There’s no time left to fuss around so let’s get straight to the point: 


Registration for the Business Launch Challenge is CLOSING at midnight. 


After that, it’s gone forever. 


I don’t know…
Maybe you like forking over your precious coin to some internet guru slanging his digital course for a few hundred bucks. 


Maybe it makes you feel like you’re doing something even though the last 10 things you tried didn’t work. 


Or maybe you’ve just got so much extra cheddar lying around you like giving it to [insert sleazy internet salesman] so he can buy another Lamborghini with what would’ve been your retirement. 


If that’s the case, only your local shrink can help ya. 


But if you want to have a fully working online biz and a pipeline full of hot leads by this time next Monday...


...then this is the LAST CHANCE you’ll ever have to do it »




- Joe

Fullstaq Mentor