Subject: How To “Time Travel”

(This Is Top Secret)...

Here’s a lesson about “time travel” that I bet you didn’t see coming.

Back in 2016 when I was just starting out as a freelance digital marketer, “time travel” probably helped me more than just about anything else.

This is a rather advanced topic but I’m going to make it simple for you.

You see, most people think in terms of “do-have-be”.

In other words, we’ve been falsely lead to believe that if we do X, we’ll have Y, and then we’ll be Z.

For example, “If I do sales for a living, I’ll have lots of money, and then I’ll be a great salesman”

Obviously that’s not exactly how it sounds in our head but broken down into its simplest form, that’s the basic logic… “I need to do something in order to have something at which point I’ll be something”.

Follow me so far?

But here’s the rub…

...that’s the exact OPPOSITE of how it actually works!

Think “be-do-have” instead.

Take the example I gave above about the salesman. 

Don’t you have to be a great salesman FIRST before you can do great at sales and have the results a great salesman has?

Let’s rewind back to my story in 2012 so you can see precisely what I mean…

At the time, I wanted to be a six-figure earner.

So whenever I ran into challenges I would ask myself, “What would a six-figure earner do?”

And suddenly it was like my mind would fast forward into the future, see myself as already being a six-figure earner, and bring the answers back to me in the present!

Sounds weird, I know… but it worked!

The answers that came to me by asking this simple question were not the same answers that originally came to mind.


For example, I remember hearing about a digital marketing conference and I knew it would transform my business, however…

“I can’t afford it”, I thought to myself.

“I don’t have the money for that. When this stuff actually starts working for me, I’ll get out there…” and blah, blah, blah… the excuses flooded my mind.

But then I caught myself thinking that and said, “Wait. What would a six-figure earner do?”

Instantly I knew… a six-figure earner would definitely find a way to attend such an important industry event.

And I also knew that if I started behaving (i.e. being) like a six-figure earner… I’d do what that person would do… and I’d one day have the results that person has.

See how different that thought process is than the original thoughts that were about to sabotage my success?

Within a few days, I’d picked up extra shifts at work, sold some things I no longer needed...

...and leaped into the Fullstaq program with both feet!

So here’s my question:

That person you want to become one day… what if you just started being that person right now?

What if you started solving problems the way they solve them?

What if you gave up the bad habits they already gave up?

What if you started showing in your life everyday with the attitude, resilience, and confidence they have?

Don’t you think you’d eventually have what they have, too?

Worked for me!

Yours in success,


- Joe

Fullstaq Mentor